Game Shows Wiki
Ashok Poozhikunnel
Birth Hometown: Wheaton, Illinois
Occupation: Underwriter
Years active: 2013
Known for: Appearances on Jeopardy!

Ashok Poozhikunnel is an underwriter from Wheaton, Illinois.

Jeopardy! Run[]

Game No. Air Date Final score Cumulative Winnings Notes
1 January 3, 2013 $21,600 $21,600
2 January 4, 2013 $18,001 $39,601
3 January 7, 2013 $26,002 $65,602
4 January 8, 2013 $3,400 $69,002
5 January 9, 2013 $0 $70,002 Kristin Morgan ends his streak and going to win five more games.

Tournament of Champions[]

In the fifth quarterfinal match, he went against Teachers Tournament winner Patrick Quinn and 6-time champion Dave Leach, answered fourteen responses correctly but he didn't have any wrong responses, However, in the FJ!, he didn't come up with the right response, lost $400, and it wasn't enough to be in the semifinals.
