Game Shows Wiki
Ben Ingram
Ben Ingram
Name: Ben Ingram
Birth Hometown: Florence, South Carolina
Occupation: IT consultant
Known for: Jeopardy! 8-time champ
ToC Winner

Ben Ingram is an IT consultant from Florence, South Carolina.

Jeopardy! Run[]

Regular Game[]

He made his Jeopardy! debut on July 1, 2013, and went on to be an 8-time champion, accumulating $177,534 in nine appearances.

Game No. Air Date Final score Cumulative Winnings Notes
1 July 1, 2013 $20,629 $20,629 Ben's first runaway game.
2 July 2, 2013 $21,401 $42,030
3 July 3, 2013 $11,200 $53,230 Tied for the win with challenger Hunter Sandison.
4 July 4, 2013 $31,201 $84,831
5 July 5, 2013 $30,801 $115,632
6 July 8, 2013 $22,100 $137,732 Ben's second runaway game.
7 July 9, 2013 $20,001 $157,733
8 July 10, 2013 $14,401 $176,534
9 July 11, 2013 $18,000 $177,534 Mark Japinga ends his streak and adds three more wins.

Tournaments and Events[]

He returned for the 2014 ToC, where he faced off against Julia Collins and Arthur Chu in the finals. He won the tournament, taking home the $250,000 grand prize, and the third ToC winner to not find a Daily Double throughout the two-day final following Jerry Frankel (S2) and Dan Melia (S14).

In 2019, he returned to the Jeopardy! stage for the All-Star Games, in which he was on Julia Collins's team. Team Julia was eliminated after the first round of the tournament, splitting a $50,000 cash prize between Ingram, Collins, and Seth Wilson.

Common with Other Champions[]


