Game Shows Wiki
Rudy Boesch
Combat Missions
USA Network: 1/16/02 - 4/17/02
Mark Burnett Productions

On Combat Missions Delta Force, Green Beret, Marine Recon, Navy SEALs, Police SWAT and CIA Special Operations are all brought together to compete in a contest of combat readiness.


Each of the four teams starts the competition with six players. The 15-week contest is split into three sections. Each week referred to as an "Evolution". During each "Evolution" two teams are chosen to go head to head, first in a training exercise and then in a combat mission. Training exercises are usually physical challenges including: climbing, swimming, running and shooting. The team who completes the exercise quickest receives extra points towards that week's mission. The combat mission pits those two teams against each other in a combat-like scenario (some military in nature and some S.W.A.T related). Both teams start out with 1,000 points plus whatever was earned by the winner of the training mission. Points are then deducted for team members killed and time taken in the mission itself. Failure to complete all objectives or the death of all team members results in a "total mission failure". Whichever team has the most points after both teams have run the mission wins. For the first six evolutions, the team with the lowest score was forced to vote off a player and then headed into the dossier room to select a replacement. From evolutions 7-12, lost players were no longer replaced (severely weakening the losing teams). During the last phase, the entire losing team was kicked off in order to determine the overall winning team. After the team was selected, it was split into two teams of three who faced off. From those three remaining players one was eliminated in a training exercise. The final two faced off in a mission in order to select the Combat Missions individual champion.


Host Rudy Boesch was a former contestant on the long-running CBS reality show Survivor.

See Also[]

Stars Earn Stripes-a similar show to Combat Missions that formerly ran on NBC in 2012.


Official Website (via Internet Archive)
