Game Shows Wiki
Rocco Wachman (Instructor)
Judd Leffew (Wrangler)
Cowboy U
CMT: 2003–2007
Triage Entertainment

Cowboy U was a reality series where eight "city slickers" were brought to a ranch and competed to win the final rodeo for $25,000 in cash.



The show had several weeks of contests (called "boot camp") to determine who would go to the final rodeo, and who would be going home. Recurring competitions throughout the series included seven rings of fire, calf scrambling, cow dodging, firearm competitions, steer wrestling, driving a horse and wagon, buckboard wagon shooting, pig chasing, barrel racing, wild cow riding, bull riding, and various eating contest that (by the end of the run) included Rocky Mountain Oysters.


At the campfire, Rocco would announce who had worked the hardest over the past few days and announce the reward. The winner won a special reward, like a warm bubble bath, instead of daily cold showers.


Once during each season, Rocco would show up at the bunkhouse and ask the contestants to decide who had done the least over the past few days. After they decided, the unlucky person had to do a special chore, like shoveling out horse barns.


Every few days at the campfire, someone who was just not getting the job done was eliminated. They would say goodbye to the other contestants, get their stuff loaded on the back of the truck, and leave the ranch. Only four of the contestants who were not eliminated would get to participate in the rodeo and have a chance at winning all-around cowboy and walk away with a check for $25,000.

Trail Ride[]

After boot camp, the "city slickers" would go out on the trail for a two-day ride to gather cattle and bring them back to the ranch. Everyone worked hard to escape the final elimination and make it to the next day's rodeo.

Rodeo Day[]

Rodeo Day was finally here, and the city slickers would put all they learned at Cowboy U to the test. As they would compete in barrel racing, steer wrestling, wagon racing and shooting and bull riding. One person would be named the all-around cowboy and walk away with a check for $25,000.


Cowboy U received some criticism mainly for being, to some, "sexist". Critics said that the women were portrayed as "materialistic and prissy". The critics also said that the women were depicted differently in the competition than the men were, along with focusing on animal rights issues, and the fact that there weren't many female ranch hands on the show.


Official Website
