Game Shows Wiki
The Cast of Hannah Montana
Bowling Commentators
Brian Stepanek & Phil Lewis
Kim Rhodes
Screen Shot 2018-04-25 at 7.50.18 PM
Disney Channel: 12/31/2006 – 1/1/2007

Disney Channel's New Year's Sing Along Bowlathon was a New Year's special that aired on Disney Channel that focused on bowling and live musical performances.


Disney Channel celebrities were paired up on teams. They would bowl two frames each while showing off their bowling skills. The team with the highest amount at the end of the first round advanced to the championship. The team with the most points at the end of the championship round was the winner of the bowling tournament And Received A Bowling Trophy, Trophies Are Also Awarded To Some Of Celebrity Performances. In addition to bowling, there were live musical performances and New Years wishes from celebrities.

Similar Shows[]

Disney Channel's New Years Star Showdown – a New Year's special that focused on both physical and mental games rather than bowling and live musical performances. 

YouTube Videos[]

Part 1 of the special
Part 2 of the special
