Game Shows Wiki
Donald Burgo
Birth Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
Occupation: College teacher
Years active: 1986
Known for: Appearances on Jeopardy!

Donald Burgo is a college teacher from St. Louis, Missouri.

Jeopardy! Run[]

Game No. Air Date Final score Cumulative Winnings Additional Notes
1 April 7, 1986 $7,000 $7,000
2 April 8, 1986 $380 $7,380
3 April 9, 1986 $7,800 $15,180
4 April 10, 1986 $4,000 $19,180
5 April 11, 1986 $7,000 $26,180 Co-champions with Kathy Collins

Tournament of Champions[]

In the third quarterfinal match, he faced with Mark Leinwand and Beryl Arbit, answered nineteen responses right and one wrong response. In the FJ!, he got the response right, added $2,000, and it was enough to advance to the semifinals.

In the first semifinal match, he went with Marvin Shinkman and Gary Palmer, answered ten correct response and three incorrect response. However, in the FJ!, there was a Triple Stumper, lost everything but missing out in the finals.
