Game Shows Wiki
J.D. Roth
DJ "Disco"
Double Up
NBC Saturday Morning: 9/5/1992 – 10/17/1992
Slam Dunk Productions/NBC Productions

This version of Double Up was a kids’ version of The Dating Game where siblings attempted to find dates with each other.


Siblings (brother & sister) attempted to find dates for each other. At the start of the show, the siblings would be interviewed. Then the three potential dates would be introduced; however, neither sibling could see the potentials behind them. Each date was identified by a nickname (for example, "Dude-Loving Dara" and "Jammin' Jason"), and they each sat on a collapsible seat suspended over a giant trash can full of confetti.

The sister would pose a Dating Game-type question to each of the three girls in an attempt to find a date for her brother, the brother would then do the same with the boys.

After two rounds of questions, the six potential dates each had a few seconds to explain why the brother and/or sister should choose him/her. After that, the audience voted on which boy & girl would be the best for the siblings. They did that by writing the names on a piece of paper and placing it in a toy ball and throwing it on stage.

When all said and done, the siblings made their choices, and explained why they didn't choose the other two of each & dumping them into their respective trash cans by pulling a lever.

The audience votes were then revealed, and if one of the siblings (brother or sister) matched the audience votes, they won $100 spending money for their dates; but if they both matched, they won a grand prize called "The Ultimate Night on the Town" (which included a $500 shopping spree, dinner at a restaurant, etc.). Regardless, both dates were chaperoned by limo.


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NBC Studios, Burbank, California


This show was one of the shortest lived, lasting only seven shows.


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A Full Episode
