Game Shows Wiki
Emily Fiasco
Emily Fiasco
Birth Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
Occupation: Middle school band teacher
Known for: Appearances on Jeopardy!

Emily Fiasco is a middle school band director from St. Louis, Missouri.

Jeopardy! Run[]

Game No. Air Date Final score Cumulative Winnings Notes
1 July 13, 2022 $28,000 $28,000
2 July 14, 2022 $25,201 $53,201
3 July 15, 2022 $34,000 $87,201
4 July 18, 2022 $15,600 $88,201 Ken Jennings era. Everyone came up with the correct response. William Chou bet $6,801 and Erica Weiner-Amachi only bet to tie. William won the tiebreaker and ended her streak.

Champions Wildcard[]

In the third quarterfinal game, she faced 1-day champions Stuart Crane and Fred Nelson. She gave sixteen correct responses and only one wrong response. Everyone got Final correct. Fred advanced to the semifinals. She and Stuart took home $5,000.

