Game Shows Wiki
Luigi de Guzman
Luigi de Guzman
Name: Luigi de Guzman
Birth Hometown: Arlington, Virginia
Occupation: Attorney
Known for: His 5-day Jeopardy! winning streak

Luigi de Guzman is an attorney from Arlington, Virginia. He won 5 games on Jeopardy! in 2022, with a total of $140,700.

He is set to appear in the Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions.

Jeopardy! Run[]

Game No. Air Date Final score Cumulative Winnings Notes
1 July 29, 2022 $23,401 $23,401 Last game of Season 38 and last game without an audience due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
2 September 12, 2022 $42,400 $65,801 First game of Season 39. First game since May 1, 2020 with a full studio audience.
3 September 13, 2022 $31,399 $97,200 Luigi won after April got Final right but made a small wager.
4 September 14, 2022 $18,000 $115,200
5 September 15, 2022 $25,500 $140,700
6 September 16, 2022 $19,551 $142,700 Emmett Stanton ends his streak after Luigi got Final right but made a small wager and goes on to win two more games.

Tournament of Champions[]

In the fifth quarterfinal game, he faced 3-day champion Kevin Belle and Second Chance and Champions Wildcard group 1 winner Juveria Zaheer. He answered seventeen correct responses (including two DDs) and six wrong responses. He was the only player correct in Final and advanced to the semifinals.

In the third semifinal game, he faced 6-day champion Troy Meyer and 3-day champion Brian Henegar. He answered 22 right responses (including one DD) and only one wrong response. Final Jeopardy was a Triple Stumper. He wagered $18,599, and lost the game. He and Brian took home $10,000.
