PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) is an American non-profit non-commercial educational public broadcasting television network that has 354 member television stations across the United States. PBS launched in 1970, succeeding NET or National Educational Television (1954-1970). Other than quality educational children's and adult programming on PBS, it also had game shows. Most notably, PBS Kids was the target for most game shows.
List of PBS game shows[]
- Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
- Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
- Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman
- Think Twice
- The Nova Quiz
- National Science Test
- We Interrupt This Week
- Design Squad
- Design Squad Nation
- MasterChef USA (not to be confused with the adult or kids' competitions on Fox)
- Cooking Under Fire
- Top of the World
- Granite State Challenge (for New Hampshire area only)
- Brain Blasters (unsold pilot for Maryland area only)
- Piedmont Quiz Bowl (for South Carolina area only)
- Scholastic Scrimmage (for Pennsylvania area only)
- Making the Grade (for Indiana area only)
- Scholars' Cup (for Illinois area only)
- Scholastic Hi-Q (another Illinois area only show)
- QuizBusters (for Michigan area only)
- Brainstormers (for Long Island, NY area only)
- New Jersey Bowl (for New Jersey area only)
- Challenge 23 (for Virginia area only)