Game Shows Wiki

This is the 1984 section of the Press Your Luck episode guide. There were even more exciting and zany moments compared to 1983. A new bonus square called Double Your $$ debuted in February (with a free spin added in April), as did a new directional square called Pick A Corner. The board would receive some new Whammy poses and a new sound in August. September would see the debut of another Bonus Square called $2000 or Lose 1 Whammy. The ratings would (not surprisingly) peak in June, when an unemployed ice cream truck driver from Lebanon, Ohio by the name of Michael Larson came on the show and memorized the board, winning over $110,000 in cash and prizes. His episode was split into two parts, and the board patterns were immediately updated so that something like this wouldn't happen again. Every nine months, the show would do a month-long Home Player Sweepstakes, where viewers at home could win cash or prizes whenever a designated spin came up. The first one was held in May.

Ep. # CBS Airdate Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Show Total Running Total
075 01/03/1984 Casey Linda Tom $12,745 $12,745
076 01/04/1984 Tom Vici Troy $14,600 $14,600
077 01/05/1984 Dalene Jeff Troy $10,621 $25,221
078 01/06/1984 Janet Linda Frank $4,550 $4,550
079 01/09/1984 Carol Ross Janet $17,324 $17,324
080 01/10/1984 Andy Nancy Ross $17,195 $17,195
081 01/11/1984 Jeannie Nancy Gary $12,170 $29,365
082 01/12/1984 Gary Melinda Rich $13,311 $13,311
083 01/13/1984 Chuck Gary Dee Dee $14,300 $14,300
084 01/16/1984 Gary Lisa Dee Dee $15,308 $15,308
085 01/17/1984 Pierre Gary Terri $6,961 $6,961
086 01/18/1984 Fred Rosie Terri $12,422 $12,422
087 01/19/1984 Will Rosie Rona $16,092 $16,092
088 01/20/1984 Rona Sheila Ray $17,254 $33,346
089 01/23/1984 Beth Tom Kimberly $7,900 $7,900
090 01/24/1984 Michael Nancy Kimberly $11,493 $19,393
091 01/25/1984 Kimberly Thomas Shelley $8,595 $27,988
092 01/26/1984 Jim Mimi Mark $21,469 $21,469
093 01/27/1984 Mimi Irene Kirk $12,639 $12,639
094 01/30/1984 Mira Kirk J.C. $7,306 $19,945
095 01/31/1984 Tom Terri Kirk $13,380 $33,325
096 02/01/1984 Jeanie Susan Mike $18,376 $18,376
097 02/02/1984 Susan Naomi Alan $25,603 $43,979
098 02/03/1984 Joyce Karl Shelley $2,600 $2,600
099 02/06/1984 Shelley Floyd Maari $11,150 $11,150
100 02/07/1984 Jeff Maari Tricia $12,445 $12,445
101 02/08/1984 Tricia Leo Peter $12,896 $12,896
102 02/09/1984 Julia John Peter $14,500 $14,500
103 02/10/1984 Marc Julia Mindy $4,550 $4,550
104 02/13/1984 Jesse Mindy Brenda $17,364 $17,364
105 02/14/1984 Wendy Pam* Jesse $12,389 $29,753
106 02/15/1984 Virginia Jim Shelly $11,260 $11,260
107 02/16/1984 Dan Mary Shelly $9,536 $20,796
108 02/17/1984 Shelly Kate Peter $13,400 $13,400
109 02/20/1984 Kate John Debbie $16,843 $16,843
110 02/21/1984 Richard John Ann $4,050 $4,050
111 02/22/1984 Jim Cyann Richard $14,124 $14,124
112 02/23/1984 Kerry Darlene Jim $8,520 $8,520
113 02/24/1984 Gilbert Lorri Darlene $16,595 $16,595
114 02/27/1984 Mac Gilbert Rachele $9,449 $9,449
115 02/28/1984 John Terre Mac $13,370 $22,819
116 02/29/1984 Mac Kevin Margaret $3,748 $3,748
117 03/01/1984 Bob Kathy Margaret $5,050 $5,050
118 03/02/1984 Kathy Jane Andres $6,817 $6,817
119 03/05/1984 Joyce Kevin Andres $11,899 $18,716
120 03/06/1984 Kay Lee Andres $800 $19,516
121 03/07/1984 Nita Andres Otis $9,250 $9,250
122 03/08/1984 Susan Nita Michael $16,156 $16,156
123 03/09/1984 Michael Bob Maggie $12,932 $12,932
124 03/12/1984 Maggie Burt Laureen $4,000 $4,000
125 03/13/1984 Laureen Dolly David $15,263 $15,263
126 03/14/1984 Lynn David George $2,995 $18,258
127 03/15/1984 Douglas Liz David $7,500 $7,500
128 03/16/1984 Bo Donna Liz $15,383 $15,383
129 03/19/1984 Bo Kim Craig $14,766 $14,766
130 03/20/1984 Lois Rod Kim $15,091 $15,091
131 03/21/1984 Gary Susie Lois $10,649 $10,649
132 03/22/1984 Susie Cliff Joanne $16,471 $27,120
133 03/23/1984 John Jill Pamela $19,295 $19,295
134 03/26/1984 John Geralyn Andy $15,801 $15,801
135 03/27/1984 Geralyn Betty Leon $5,100 $20,901
136 03/28/1984 Geralyn Julio Carla $12,506 $12,506
137 03/29/1984 Diana Gregg Julio $11,950 $24,456
138 03/30/1984 Julio Mae Harris $7,800 $7,800
139 04/02/1984 Karen Rich Mae $14,405 $14,405
140 04/03/1984 Sue Karen Bill $12,924 $12,924
141 04/04/1984 Jimmy Catherine* Sue $4,500 $4,500
142 04/05/1984 Richard Karen Jimmy $23,849 $28,349
143 04/06/1984 Pam Kathy Clifton $19,866 $19,866
144 04/09/1984 Kathy Joanne Greg $15,950 $15,950
145 04/10/1984 Joanne Jim Audrey $9,095 $9,095
146 04/11/1984 Tony Laurie Audrey $13,456 $13,456
147 04/12/1984 Laurie Nancy Jim $13,889 $13,889
148 04/13/1984 Colleen Nancy Yogi $15,050 $15,050
149 04/16/1984 David* Colleen LaVerne $9,895 $9,895
150 04/17/1984 Joe LaVerne Diana $2,000 $11,895
151 04/18/1984 Miguel LaVerne Patti $17,990 $17,990
152 04/19/1984 Jeff Patti Bette $16,352 $34,342
153 04/20/1984 Lynn Fredda Rick $16,450 $16,450
154 04/23/1984 Jerry Linda Rick $6,950 $23,400
155 04/24/1984 Sue Rick David* $16,542 $39,942
156 04/25/1984 Susie Betty Stephen $6,086 $6,086
157 04/26/1984 Dean Emily Stephen $15,386 $21,472
158 04/27/1984 Sally Larry Stephen $16,016 $16,016
159 04/30/1984 Scott Sharon Sally $15,047 $15,047
160 05/01/1984 Darrell Scott Cheri $10,800 $10,800
161 05/02/1984 Dana Cheri Mike $9,220 $20,020
162 05/03/1984 Lisa Jeff Cheri $14,745 $14,745
163 05/04/1984 Gregg Betty Lisa $12,422 $27,167
164 05/07/1984 June Scot Veronica $20,221 $20,221
165 05/08/1984 Veronica Catherine* Bob $5,000 $5,000
166 05/09/1984 Bob Pamela David $12,273 $12,273
167 05/10/1984 Joshua Kristi David $11,838 $24,111
168 05/11/1984 Keith David Lynn $12,075 $12,075
169 05/14/1984 Barbara Menard Keith $18,050 $18,050
170 05/15/1984 Sally Menard Brad $14,557 $14,557
171 05/16/1984 Brad Brian Teressa $16,000 $30,557
172 05/17/1984 Patty David Jenneen $5,799 $5,799
173 05/18/1984 David Becky Paul $33,410 $33,410
174 05/21/1984 Ruth Carolyn Jake $7,495 $7,495
175 05/22/1984 Geron Chris Ruth $16,202 $23,697
176 05/23/1984 Ruth Kathie Phil $13,644 $37,341
177 05/24/1984 Kimberly David Rhonda $750 $750
178 05/25/1984 Phyllis David Jon $9,550 $9,550
179 05/28/1984 Ondreia Ralph Phyllis $7,431 $7,431
180 05/29/1984 Loreen Dan Ralph $6,300 $6,300
181 05/30/1984 Jimmy Loreen Cindy $14,780 $14,780
182 05/31/1984 Danielle Alan Cindy $25,681 $40,461
183 06/01/1984 Mike Karyl Lynn $8,628 $8,628
184 06/04/1984 Karyl Jim Pat $16,405 $16,405
185 06/05/1984 Vicki Drew Pat $9,180 $9,180
186 06/06/1984 David Vicki Sue Ellen $9,295 $18,475
187 06/07/1984 Pamela Vicki Ed $11,516 $11,516
188A 06/08/1984 Ed Michael Janie N/A N/A
188B 06/11/1984 Ed Michael Janie $110,237 $110,237
189 06/12/1984 Mike Jo Jeffie $17,698 $17,698
190 06/13/1984 Jana Jobe Jeffie $14,702 $32,400
191 06/14/1984 Lori Mauri Mike $12,944 $12,944
192 06/15/1984 Sandra Fernando Mike $13,293 $26,237
193 06/18/1984 Phil Sandi Bob $7,855 $7,855
194 06/19/1984 Wes Reva Sandi $24,828 $24,828
195 06/20/1984 Reva Brad Adoris $14,930 $14,930
196 06/21/1984 Cameron Cynthia Brad $13,128 $13,128
197 06/22/1984 Kathy Cameron Richard $16,890 $16,890
198 06/25/1984 Allen Lisa Kathy $10,250 $10,250
199 06/26/1984 Quincey Gil Allen $12,178 $22,428
200 06/27/1984 Allen Vicky Brad $12,500 $12,500
201 06/28/1984 Vicky Bill Tammy $16,595 $16,595
202 06/29/1984 Jeff Judi Bill $9,800 $26,395
203 07/02/1984 Nancy Helen Patrick $14,250 $14,250
204 07/03/1984 Helen Harry Elva $16,640 $30,890
205 07/04/1984 Art Alexis Laurie $8,650 $8,650
206 07/05/1984 Greg Laurie Sharon $10,559 $19,209
207 07/06/1984 Jim Laurie Judi $12,011 $31,220
208 07/09/1984 Keith Angie Sancy $5,835 $5,835
209 07/10/1984 Corey Sancy Bob $15,978 $15,978
210 07/11/1984 Sharon Charles Corey $10,501 $10,501
211 07/12/1984 Clark Colleen Charles $27,407 $27,407
212 07/13/1984 Karin Tom Angela $15,450 $15,450
213 07/16/1984 Tom Karin Suzanne $10,144 $10,144
214 07/17/1984 Steph Suzanne Jeff $15,039 $25,183
215 07/18/1984 Andy Jani Peter $8,200 $8,200
216 07/19/1984 Dave Jani Nancy $13,145 $13,145
217 07/20/1984 Michelle Harold Nancy $750 $13,895
218 07/23/1984 Gene Carol Nancy $18,270 $18,270
219 07/24/1984 Gene Joy Bob $13,092 $31,362
220 07/25/1984 Aaron Nyna Nancy $15,931 $15,931
221 07/26/1984 Nyna Rick Stacey $20,421 $20,421
222 07/27/1984 Lynda Phillip Stacey $9,945 $30,366
223 07/30/1984 Gene Donna Eric $11,500 $11,500
224 07/31/1984 Eric Ozzie Chandra $7,000 $18,500
225 08/01/1984 Rich Eric Adriana $0 $18,500
226 08/02/1984 Jim Eric Toni $27,363 $27,363
227 08/03/1984 Alpha Gerald Natalie $12,543 $12,543
228 08/06/1984 Alpha Cheryl Jim $15,560 $15,560
229 08/07/1984 Cheryl Craig Lynda $10,556 $10,556
230 08/08/1984 Craig DeAnn Sandy $11,750 $22,306
231 08/09/1984 Cathy Craig Pete $2,950 $2,950
232 08/10/1984 Randy Lori Cathy $24,685 $24,685
233 08/13/1984 Lori James Beverlie $9,045 $9,045
234 08/14/1984 Beverlie Ernie Susan* $11,384 $11,384
235 08/15/1984 Cindy David Ernie $3,800 $15,184
236 08/16/1984 Vicki Ernie Kevin $16,740 $16,740
237 08/17/1984 Kevin Mark Sonya $9,656 $26,396
238 08/20/1984 Eleanor Steve Ted $19,423 $19,423
239 08/21/1984 Jeff Laura Steve $9,900 $9,900
240 08/22/1984 Heidi Jeff Bill $6,551 $6,551
241 08/23/1984 Sheree John Bill $17,827 $17,827
242 08/24/1984 John Tami Kris $7,680 $25,507
243 08/27/1984 Susan Brett Christina $10,302 $10,302
244 08/28/1984 Susan Todd Carol $17,018 $17,018
245 08/29/1984 David Christy Todd $10,209 $10,209
246 08/30/1984 Christy Dan Leila $4,924 $4,924
247 08/31/1984 Dolores Jeff Leila $10,200 $10,200
248 09/03/1984 Denise Rick Jeff $4,500 $4,500
249 09/04/1984 Sande Rick Joyce $8,202 $12,702
250 09/05/1984 Martha Frank Rick $4,608 $4,608
251 09/06/1984 Sam Frank Maytee $8,000 $8,000
252 09/07/1984 Kathy Gene Maytee $15,152 $23,152
253 09/10/1984 Carol Maytee Del $3,950 $27,102
254 09/11/1984 Shane Pattie Gail $12,645 $12,645
255 09/12/1984 Shane Evette Bob $8,789 $21,434
256 09/13/1984 Gary Shane Eileen $11,207 $11,207
257 09/14/1984 Rick Teresa Eileen $12,500 $12,500
258 09/17/1984 Kirk Dee Dee Teresa $7,050 $7,050
259 09/18/1984 Dee Dee Nelson Laura $10,117 $10,117
260 09/19/1984 Judy Laura Tom $10,049 $10,049
261 09/20/1984 Giovanni Betty Judy $5,500 $5,500
262 09/21/1984 Betty Tissa Bob $8,120 $8,120
263 09/24/1984 Tissa Linda David $7,396 $7,396
264 09/25/1984 Linda Rick Edwina $19,365 $19,365
265 09/26/1984 Scott Debbie Edwina $6,227 $6,227
266 09/27/1984 Dawn Debbie Regis $5,400 $5,400
267 09/28/1984 Mike Dawn Beverlyn $2,500 $2,500
268 10/01/1984 Doug Janet Beverlyn $6,874 $9,374
269 10/02/1984 Mike Laura Beverlyn $6,893 $6,893
270 10/03/1984 Barbara Patrick Mike $10,438 $10,438
271 10/04/1984 Patrick Maria Kent $2,200 $2,200
272 10/05/1984 Glenn Barbara Kent $16,853 $19,053
273 10/08/1984 Joe Clarice Kent $3,285 $22,338
274 10/09/1984 Claudia Kent Ron $13,259 $35,597
275 10/10/1984 Bettina Menett Gloria $13,302 $13,302
276 10/11/1984 Ruth Jim Bettina $11,047 $24,349
277 10/12/1984 Lori Jerry Bettina $8,400 $32,749
278 10/15/1984 Bob Susan* Frances $5,315 $5,315
279 10/16/1984 Robert Libby Susan $14,784 $14,784
280 10/17/1984 Lori Clifford Libby $17,901 $32,685
281 10/18/1984 Brenda Bruce Paula-Jo $2,265 $2,265
282 10/19/1984 Tim Caren Brenda $13,220 $13,220
283 10/22/1984 Mark Caren Mabel $0 $0
284 10/23/1984 Debbie Bill Mabel $16,750 $16,750
285 10/24/1984 Sam Debbie Lynette $6,000 $22,750
286 10/25/1984 Cynthia Chris Debbie $15,618 $15,618
287 10/26/1984 Janie Ruben Chris $2,828 $2,828
288 10/29/1984 Linda Ruben John $20,550 $23,378
289 10/30/1984 Pat Duane Ruben $16,736 $16,736
290 10/31/1984 Bob Pat Barbara $7,720 $24,456
291 11/01/1984 Kevin Liz Pat $2,995 $2,995
292 11/02/1984 Susan Liz Gregg $16,395 $16,395
293 11/05/1984 Nancy Tony Susan $4,227 $4,227
294 11/06/1984 Bob Debbe Tony $9,854 $9,854
295 11/07/1984 Bob Claire Marc $10,236 $20,090
296 11/08/1984 Adele Bob Lee $28,933 $28,933
297 11/09/1984 Laureen Alex Adele $2,550 $2,550
298 11/12/1984 Alex Mitch Margo $10,078 $10,078
299 11/13/1984 Russ Regina Margo $3,333 $13,411
300 11/14/1984 Bobbie Mike Margo $17,570 $17,570
301 11/15/1984 Susan Sharon Mike $9,250 $9,250
302 11/16/1984 Sharon Tim Wesely $12,940 $22,190
303 11/19/1984 John Sharon Kathi $10,778 $32,968
304 11/20/1984 Sharon Michael Ayne $6,500 $39,468
305 11/21/1984 Sandy Chris Sharon $9,970 $9,970
306 11/26/1984 Chris Dom Diane $0 $9,970 (Chris)
307 11/27/1984 Chris Dom Diane $15,089 $25,059
308 11/28/1984 Kacey Chris Skip $21,468 $46,527
309 11/29/1984 Chris Paula Ron $12,252 $58,779
310 11/30/1984 Cindy Troy Kate $3,970 $3,970
311 12/03/1984 Kate Ed Cindy $12,557 $12,557
312 12/04/1984 Cindi Ed Cheri $13,586 $13,586
313 12/05/1984 LaDina Cheri Bob $1,000 $1,000
314 12/06/1984 Grace Spence LaDina $11,288 $11,288
315 12/07/1984 Brett Suzy Spence $7,637 $7,637
316 12/10/1984 Craig Teri Suzy $2,000 $2,000
317 12/11/1984 Wendy Craig Mike $4,245 $4,245
318 12/12/1984 Wendy Greg Robin $16,041 $16,041
319 12/13/1984 Debbi Norm Robin $12,400 $12,400
320 12/14/1984 Debbi Jon Diana $2,250 $2,250
321 12/17/1984 Brian Valerie Jon $17,229 $17,229
322 12/18/1984 Robin Brian Ella $6,250 $6,250
323 12/19/1984 Robin Carolyn Frank $15,000 $21,250
324 12/20/1984 Robin Randy Diane $10,340 $10,340
325 12/21/1984 Adrian Randy Jim $16,757 $27,097
326 12/24/1984 Ron Randy Suzanne $10,050 $37,147
327 12/25/1984 Janet Randy Eric $24,169 $61,316
328 12/26/1984 Bob Cynthia Mark $15,315 $15,315
329 12/27/1984 Jeff Bob Tricia $21,429 $36,744
330 12/28/1984 Bob Greg Jo $11,897 $48,641
331 12/31/1984 Mike Bob Sue $9,591 $58,232