Today & everyday, you'll see pictures of three players go after BIG BUCKS! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives. From the Game Shows Wiki on the internet, it's time to press your luck at the PRESS YOUR LUCK PICTURE GALLERY!
Press Photos[]
Trade Ads[]
Press Your Luck[]
Classic Version[]
Question Round[]
A pilot Question Round in progress. Notice that the letters are in red and in a different font. When the correct answer was announced, it remained and had a blue flash while the wrong answers disappeared. This was the fourth question in the first round: "According to Security World Magazine, what item of clothing is most likely to be lifted by shoplifters?"
A series Question Round in progress. When the correct answer was announced, it would light up in blue or green and flash.
A Question Round from Michael Larson's show. This was the third question in the first round: "What member of the wedding party is responsible for giving the check to the clergyman?"
Here's the second question from the second Question Round from December 20, 1983: "What Jewish holiday is known as 'The Festival of the Lights'?"
Here's the first Question Round from Christmas 1985, and this is the fourth and final question: "According to 'The Christmas Story', is the word 'Magi' used to mean the Angel, the Star, or the Wise Men?" (heh heh, it's already multiple choice, so one spin is guaranteed to whoever gets it right; however, let's see who can buzz in for three spins!)
The Big Board[]
The players getting ready to spin. (Note: This is from the early episodes; the glass blocks are red like the backdrops behind Peter, but will change to blue later on)
Here's the Round 1 board in the early days. Notice anything different? That's right, $750 was one of the three values in the Big Bucks square.
Unlike the video game for the Wii, the contestant platform always has seats. And what's that in front of the players on Contestants' Island, you ask? Well, since the players couldn't see their scoreboards, they were provided with seven-segment displays for their scores and their spin counts (passed and earned).
21 Earned spins and 2 Passed ones. If a whammy were to be hit, that would translate to 22 earned spins. And we'd still be here forever!
$751,550?! That would envy Michael Larson. Man, if they were to give away that much money, CBS would be broke, and so would Bill Carruthers' company! (And would be a lot to lose to a Whammy!)
Death of the Wardrobe Man[]
Troy obliterated his buzzer![]
Hawaii Wait For Me[]
Peter's Reactions[]
Sometimes it isn’t easy hosting Press Your Luck. Peter just fell to the floor after an exhausting game!