Game Shows Wiki
Mark Istook (2017)
Melissa Peterman (2019)
Broadcast Syndication (FOX-owned television stations)
Istook Era: 7/10/2017-8/4/2017
Punchline 2019
Peterman Era: 7/15/2019-8/23/2019
Dino Bones Productions Inc.

Punchline is a comedy game show where two teams of three comedians (two in the 2019 version) for whom are mostly called as "challengers" vs "headliners" respectively, competed to come up with the best "punchlines" based on the day's news.


Host Istook (later Peterman) sets up photos on the screen with a newsy set up, then poses a question for the comedians to buzz in with a series of answers. The studio audience then votes immediately by using their cellphones on which team provided the funnier responses. Teams earn 50 points per victory in the first round. 100 in the second and 150 in the third.

Photo Finish[]

A variety of points are awarded in which the audience scores each individual joke on a scale of 1-100.


This was the first Summer-themed, trial run game show to ever get a reboot in 2019.


Istook Era[]

Play Punch Line!
Official Facebook Page
Fox to test out Comedian-based Daytime Talk Show "Punchline" During Summer 2017
Early Review: Punch Line in Summer Trial Run on Fox Late-Night Stations

Peterman Era[]

'Punchline' Returns To Fox Television Station With Melissa Peterman As Host
'Punchline' Returning to Fox Stations for Six-Week Test
Get Ready! 'Punchline!' Hosted by Melissa Peterman Returns July 15th
