Game Shows Wiki
Geoff Edwards
Bob Clayton
Pilots: 1976 (as Shoot the Works)
NBC Daytime: 1/3/1977 – 9/30/1977
Bob Stewart Productions

Pilot Opening:
"This is SHOOT THE WORKS! With today's guest stars: The beautiful & talented Anita Gillette, and the not-so beautiful but equally talented Bill Cullen! Now, here's the star of the show, of Shoot the Works, Mr. Geoff Edwards!"

Series Opening:
"This is SHOOT FOR THE STARS! With today's guest stars: (insert celebrity #1), and (insert celebrity #2)! Now, here's the host of Shoot for the Stars, Mr. Geoff Edwards!"

Shoot for the Stars (originally Shoot the Works in the pilot) was a game show where words and phrases and names are not what they seem to be.


Two teams of two (consisting of one celebrity & one contestant) played a game of double meanings & puns.

Example: "Infant mug / Ozzie or Harriet" Answer: "Baby Face Nelson"

Main Game[]

Two teams competed, each consisting of a contestant and a celebrity. The game board consisted of 24 numbered boxes. Hidden behind these numbers were money values ranging from $100 to $300, one $500 value, one "Double Your Score" card, four stars, and an "Instant Car" card.

Both teams began with $100 and took turns playing, starting with the challengers. During each turn, the team in control chose a box, whose contents were revealed, and then tried to decipher an awkward phrase. The two halves of the phrase were separated by a line; the contestant could answer only the first part, and the celebrity could answer only the second; if the contestant was stumped, he/she could pass and let the celebrity solve his/her half first. A correct answer rewarded the team as follows:

  • Money Amount – Added to the team's total.
  • Double Your Score – Immediately doubled the team's total.
  • Star – The team decided how much of their total they wanted to wager on the phrase, up to and including all of it. A correct answer added the value of the wager, while a miss deducted it.
  • Instant Car – Awarded the player a new car.

An incorrect response carried no penalty, except when a star was in play.

The first team to accumulate $1,500 or more won the game. If the challengers reached this goal first, the champions were not given a chance to catch up, unlike shows such as The Joker's Wild that guaranteed an equal number of turns. The winning player received exactly $1,500, forfeiting any portion of the team's score above that total, while the losing player received parting gifts and kept any money or bonus prizes won in previous games.

Bonus Game[]

Before the bonus game, the contestant decided to either give or receive (more contestants opted to give). The winning team hit a plunger to stop a randomizer on a number between 5 and 9, inclusively, which determined the number of correct answers needed in 60 seconds to win the round.

The giver was shown a series of two-word phrases and had to get his/her partner to guess it by describing each word separately. The partner could pass if he/she was stumped.

If the team gave the required number of answers before time ran out, the player won a cash jackpot that began at $1,000 and increased by $500 after every unsuccessful attempt.

Any player who made five attempts at the bonus round received a new car and retired from the show.

Shoot the Works Pilot[]

The show was basically the same except with the following differences:

  • In the main game, each phrase had either a dollar amount or a star attached to it, and no bonuses.
  • In the bonus round, the number of correct answers required to win ranged between 5 and 10, inclusively.
  • During the round, the giver was shown a series of common phrases in which the keywords were underlined. His/Her job was to get his/her partner to say the underlined keywords by replacing them with words of his/her own or by describing them.


Press Photos[]




Bob Cobert

The theme would later be reused on the unsold pilot Twisters as well as the 80s & 90s revivals of Jackpot.


NBC Studio 8H, New York City, NY


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Shoot for the Stars was later revived in 1986 on ABC as Double Talk.

The last original NBC daytime game show to be originated in New York City.

Unreleased Merchandise[]

Milton Bradley was going to do a board game version of the show in 1977, but it was scrapped due to the show's declining ratings.


Shoot for the Stars @ Game Show Utopia
