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Richard "Humpty" Vission
Blame game
MTV: 2/8/1999 – 2000
MTV Networks

The Blame Game was a two-season nontraditional court/relationship game show.


Contestants would compete against an ex-lover in a fictional courtroom setting to decide who was to blame for their break-up, due to a real life disaster relationship. In a mock courtroom setting, they were provided witty council, and an unforgiving audience served as the jury. The show was marked by the appearance of "surprise witnesses" who would corroborate or refute accusations (usually relating to cheating or not cheating) made by the exes and/or counselors.

Round 1: Tick Tock Testimony[]

In this round, each ex was given 90 seconds (1 minute and 30 seconds) to tell his/her side of the story. Whenever a point was made, the counselor for the ex currently testifying would press a large button which would stop the clock and allow the other ex to testify. Each side alternated until they both had run out of time.

Round 2: You Did It, Now Admit It![]

In this round, each ex had to give three secrets (usually, incriminating). If the secret was admitted truthfully, the ex was given a point. If they answered incorrectly or chose not to answer (known as "Pleading the Fifth" in traditional courtroom slang), no points were scored. After three questions, the player with the higher score had a friend come out and explain why the opponent was to blame for the break-up.

Round 3: Cross Ex[]

This round was the same as the the Tick Tock Testimony, except that each ex was questioned by the opposing counselor.

Final Round: Karaoke Chamber[]

This round sent each contestant into the namesake room where he/she would individually sing a predetermined song that they each felt summed up the relationship.

At the end of the game, the studio audience (the "jury of your peers") would vote for whom it felt was at fault for the break-up. The contestant who won over the jury received a vacation. Afterwards, the "loser" was made to get down on their hands and knees and give 15 seconds to apologize for all the trouble they caused. The winner had two choices: accept the apology and the let him/her "go on their loser way" or reject the apology and use a Polaroid camera with which to take a picture of the "losing" ex (this ended up happening more often) to be added to the "Do Not Date This Blame Game Loser" section of the show's website. In October 1999, the policy changed, and the loser's picture was posted in a section of the magazine Entertainment Weekly; in March 2000, the picture posting moved back to the show's website for the rest of the show's run.

House DJ[]

Richard "Humpty" Vission


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Official Website (via Internet Archive)

YouTube Video[]

Commercial for the show
