These are the many cartoon appearances of The Whammy.
Animations in 1980's Press Your Luck[]
Set 1 (September 1983)[]
Hammer Whammy: This was the very first Whammy animation designed for the show, and was the only one that appeared in the Pilot. It was the basis for four of the original five Whammy slides on the board. The Whammy comes out of nowhere on the left side with a "WHAM!" cloud, jumps up and down a few times, then pulls out his hammer and runs across the screen laughing, smashing the player's score.
Pogo Stick Whammy: This was the very first Whammy animation shown on the series. He bounces up and down on a pogo stick many times, laughing evilly, then disappearing in a puff of smoke accompanied by the "WHAM!" cloud.
Whammy Walking Fang: A Whammy walking his Dog, Fang, in his first appearance, laughs and says "Get em, Fang! Get em! Get em, Fang! Get em! Sic em! Sic em!" as Fang eats up the contestant's score. Then the Whammy could then be heard saying "Help! Help he's got me! He's got me!".
Dancing Act Whammy: A Whammy is seen tap-dancing while the audience is jeering, saying, "Hee ha ha, watch this one, yes sir. Yes sir, ha ha ha. Whoa!" Upon saying "Whoa!", he gets the hook by a cane moving from one side of the screen, luring the Whammy out of the shot.
TNT Whammy: One of the most frequently-seen animations in the series. The Whammy is set to activate a detonator, saying "Hee hee hee, this oughta do it!" then upon the blast, the player's score is wiped out, and the Whammy's red skin has apparently dissolved, as he says "Oh no... oh....". The last part of the animation was often cut off later on.
Jumping Whammy: Whammy appears out of nowhere in the "WHAM!" cloud, jumps up and down multiple times, then disappears along with the player's score.
Lawn Mower Whammy: The Whammy pushes his lawnmower, erasing the player's total digit by digit (though the total was reset to $0 during the first few episodes). One occurrence of said animation in the first couple of weeks of the series experienced chroma-key problems and the Whammy appeared to be pushing an "invisible" lawn mower. This animation was played when Liz lost $22,564 in November 1984.
Hula Dancer Whammy: The Whammy wears a grass skirt and dances the Hula across the screen then ends up in the water off-screen. The original version had longer audio. This Whammy animation was commonly used when a contestant lost a Hawaiian holiday or a Polynesian holiday (Fiji Islands, Tahiti, etc.) to a Whammy.
Jaws Whammy: To the familiar Jaws style music, the Whammy is seen with a Scuba mask riding a shark, and the shark chops away the score digit by digit.
Pilot Whammy: The Whammy takes a nose dive, then crashes off-screen with the "WHAM!" smoke cloud, wiping out the player's score. This animation was usually played when a contestant utters the words "One more time!"
- NOTE: A one-time-only second version was used on May 9, 1984, only instead of the nosedive, the plane is seen traveling from left to right, bobbing up and down, positioned horizontally, then crashing off-screen.
Bulldozer Whammy: The Whammy operates a bulldozer to wipe the player's score away digit by digit, then loses control and crashes off-screen. The last part of the animation was often cut later on.
Magician Whammy: The Whammy, wearing a top hat and magician's jacket, appears with a 'WHAM!' smoke cloud, and places a cover over the contestant's score. When the cloth is pulled away, the contestant's score has disappeared. Then the Whammy himself disappears in the 'WHAM!' smoke cloud. Although this animation was mostly seen in 1983, the animation disappeared from the show before January 17, 1984, and made one rare appearance in December 1985, though the Whammy's skin looked to be a darker red in color.
Set 2 (October 1983)[]
Rocket Ship Whammy: A rocket bearing "PYL83" (representing the show's name and the year the series debuted), moves towards the center of the screen, as the Whammy counts down "3-2-1-Big Bucks!" Then the rocket blasts off, leaving the Whammy behind. There were three versions of this animation:
- Version 1.0 had the Whammy saying "...I thought I had the right stuff" (in reference to the movie The Right Stuff released two days after the debut of this Whammy animation.).
- Version 2.0 had complete silence at the end.
- Version 3.0 had the line with the movie reference replaced with "Hey, you were supposed to wait for me!" The animation was not seen after June 14, 1984.
Roller Skating Whammy: One of the most frequently-seen animations in the series. The Whammy loses control on his roller skates, saying "Look out! LOOK OUT!!!", then falls and lands on his back, seeing stars, and the score is wiped out completely as he thuds.
Boxer Whammy: Undoubtedly a nod to the Rocky franchise, which had thee films released at that time. He is seen in trunks and punching with boxing gloves on, yelling "I'm ready! Bring on Rocky! Bring on Rocky! I want him! I want him!" (referencing Clubber Lang's "I want Balboa!" in the third film). However, a giant boxing glove with a spring punches him back.
Jackhammer Whammy: One of the most frequently-seen animations in the series. The has a heart tattoo on his shoulder as he operates a jackhammer moving from left to right, eliminating the player's total digit by digit, uttering "Yes! Yes! Yes!" then laughing multiple times as he heads off the screen. This animation was seemingly always played off-screen whenever a split-screen was used for both players during the final spins, and if one of them hadn't been eliminated.
Surfer Whammy: Whammy appears riding a wave on his surfboard. Later, this Whammy animation was usually played during Spring and Summer.
- One version has Whammy saying this:
Surf's up! Hang ten! I'm in the curl! I got your money! Ha ha ha ha!
- Another version has the Whammy saying this:
Surf's up! Hang ten! I got your money and it's a wipeout!
Thanksgiving Whammy: This Whammy animation was only shown during Thanksgiving 1983, 1984, and 1985. The Whammy is trying to shoot a turkey with his musket, saying "Sweet potatoes, cranberries and..." then when the musket is set off, it blows the Whammy away as he says "...the turkey." The turkey grins and laughs evilly. Two versions of this animation were used:
- Version 1.0 had the dialogue "Better luck next time, pilgrim", based on John Wayne's catchphrase, then laughing briefly. This was used only in 1983.
- Version 2.0 had the dialogue from Version 1.0 edited out and was used during 1984 and 1985.
Scrooge Whammy: This Whammy animation was only shown during Christmas 1983, 1984, and 1985. Tapping a cane repeatedly as he moves across the screen, the Whammy says "Bah! Humbug! Give me your money! There'll be no presents this year!".
Santa Claus Whammy: This Whammy animation was only shown during Christmas 1983, 1984, and 1985. The Whammy is operating a sleigh pulled by Fang, saying "On Donner, on Blitzen, on Fang, get your money, get your money!" then laughs evilly as they ride off-screen.
Christmas Tree Whammy: This Whammy animation was only shown during Christmas 1983, 1984, and 1985. The Whammy sings as he approaches the Christmas tree, places a present under the tree, and the tree falls on him. Two versions of this animation were used, and this is the only Whammy animation where both versions can be heard on a single episode.
- Version 1.0: The audio goes "I wish me a Merry Christmas" twice (to show his selfishness), and gets crushed on his third verse.
- Version 2.0: The Whammy is singing "My Christmas Tree" (a parody of "O Christmas Tree"). It is hard to understand what he was saying just before he got crushed.
New Year's Baby Whammy: This Whammy animation was only shown during the start of 1985 and 1986, and during the week leading up to 1984. This Whammy is donned in a diaper and wearing a sash bearing the new year and blows his noisemaker. In 1985 and beyond, the animation would continue with the baby still blowing, but with complete silence. For 1986, the outside border on the "6" in 1986 appears to be thinner, while the "4" in 1984 has a consistently thick border.
Whammy with Champagne Bottle: This Whammy animation was only shown during the New Year's Holiday. The Whammy attempts to open a champagne bottle, and when successful, the Whammy says "Whoopee!" then the pressure from the bubbles causes the Whammy and champagne bottle to fly off screen horizontally like a rocket, erasing the score, digit by digit.
Set 3 (January 1984)[]
Skateboarder Whammy: The Whammy is seen laughing out of control on a skateboard. He then crashes into the smiling tree, and Birdies are heard.
Paul Revere Whammy: Riding Fang, holding a lantern, the Whammy says "One if by check, two if by cash, the Whammies are coming to steal your stash!" then laughs evilly as they head off screen.
Skier Whammy: A buggy-eyed Whammy skis downhill while saying "woo hoo" multiple times, then slams into a snowman. The happy snowman then frowns. This Whammy animation was usually played during Fall and Winter.
Whammy and Fang Chasing a Cat: A cat runs across the screen while trying to escape from an aggressive Fang, and Whammy is holding Fang on his leash telling the dog "Hold it, Fang, hold it! Don't forget the money!".
Snowblower Whammy: Whammy pushes a snowblower coming in, then slips and causing the snowblower to be set free, and a pile of snow falls on him. This may be a callback to the Lawn Mower Whammy, one of the original animations seen in the series. This Whammy animation was usually played during the Fall and Winter.
$1 Bill Whammy: Coming in on a cash register sound, the Whammy, impersonating the first U.S. President, uttered the phrase "Hee hee hee! I cannot tell a lie! You lose!" when paused midway on screen, then exited the screen to another cash register sound.
Flying Carpet Whammy: This Whammy animation was only seen from January to August 1984. A whammy comes in on a flying carpet, wearing a turban, saying "1,001 pardons for taking your money!", then falls off and the carpet flies away.
Set 4 (March 1984)[]
UFO Whammy: The Whammy comes flying in, then gets zapped and rises out of sight. When the Whammy is zapped, the cockpit flashes red and white, with the Whammy's outline and stunned expression.
Michael Jackson Whammy: A Whammy comes out dancing and dressing like Michael Jackson, to Billie Jean. He even does some of the grunts MJ did for his songs. This Whammy's eyes even shine as the animation ends.
Politician Whammy: This Whammy animation was only shown in the months leading up to the Presidential election from March to November 1984. The politician shouts "If elected, I will raise your taxes!" Then he gets a pie thrown in his face. Looks like he won't get any votes!
Native American in Canoe Whammy: A Whammy paddles in a canoe saying "Ooh, Money! Money! Ai-yi-yi-yi! Money! Money!" But the canoe springs a leak leaving him saying "Oh no..." as he sinks into the water.
Set 5 (June 1984)[]
Breakdancing Whammy: Undoubtedly created to cash in on the growing breakdancing fad that was popularized by the 1983 hit film Flashdance. The Whammy dances to the music of his boom box. That is, until he dances himself offscreen, and the boom box explodes in the process. In some cases, the studio audience would clap along to the beat. This animation was played when Leslie lost $23,034 in April 1986.
Picnic Whammy: Whammy and his love, Tammy Whammette (her debut appearance), are outside having a picnic, but just as were they about to eat, Fang comes up and starts eating all the food, leaving Whammy and Tammy sobbing. There were two scripts for this Whammy animation, but they have the same ending.
- Version 1.0, used in 1984, had the following script:
Tammy: Isn't this romantic? Our first picnic!
Whammy: A lovely day, a beautiful girl, and...
- Version 2.0, used in Spring 1985, used this script:
Tammy: Springtime is so romantic.
Whammy: Spring! When a young Whammy's fancy turns to...
- Both versions end with this:
Both: FANG?! AAAHHH!!!!
Boy George Whammy: Arguably the most famous and iconic of Whammy animations in the classic series. The Whammy does his parody of Culture Club's big hit song Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?, and sings "Who would ever hurt a Whammy?" Then when singing said line a second time, he gets hit in the head with a giant hammer, and flattening him. As soon as the hammer hits him, he utters an "OW!"
Water Skis Whammy: The Whammy is on water skis while his love, Tammy Whammette, is driving a motorboat. The Whammy says, "Hit it, Tammy! I'm up, I'm up, I'm up!" Then out of nowhere, a shark swallows everything in one-fell-swoop. The last part is not shown in the Randy/Lori/Cathy spin battle of 1984, where Cathy lost a whopping $31,408 in one passed spin. This Whammy animation was usually played during the Spring and Summer.
Dixieland Band Whammy: The last Whammy animation seen in the series. A band of Whammies plays a Dixieland melody, and at the end, the head of one of the Whammies gets crashed by cymbals used by another Whammy. In some cases, when that animation played, before the cymbal hit, the studio audience would clap along with the beat. This animation was played when Bobby lost $26,229 in August 1985.
Olympic Torch Whammy: This Whammy animation was one of two only shown during the 1984 Summer Olympics. Holding a torch, the Whammy runs across the screen, panting, and the torch gets extinguished by a bucket of water held by a pair of hands, causing the Whammy to ask "Anybody got a match?".
Pole Vaulting Whammy: The other of two Whammy animations only shown during the 1984 Summer Olympics. This Whammy runs holding a pole, then jumps and flies up in the air, out of sight, claiming "This is it! A new world record!".
Set 6 (September 1984)[]
Weightlifter Whammy: The Whammy is sweating excessively when he tries to lift a heavy barbell. Just as he succeeds, he breaks through the floor, with a "CRASH!" cloud, as he groans "Not again."
Pizza Guy Whammy: The Whammy is trying to twirl pizza dough, saying "We got the cheese... pepperoni... tomato... sau...", then the pizza dough lands on his head and then makes an alternate offer, "How 'bout some spaghetti?". During the animation, an accordion playing an Italian restaurant melody can be played, but as the dough lands on the Whammy, the music winds down (a source of music has its pitch and speed lowered while the song plays until it stops).
Vocalist Group Whammy: A vocal quartet of Whammies (supposedly based on the Four Tops, but this is unconfirmed) come dancing in across the screen, saying "ooooooooh waaaaaaah" then the quartet point their fingers in the air, and the contestant's score is erased at once. According to associate director Rick Stern, the bearded Whammy was based on him.
Umpire Whammy: Beginning in September 1984, Whammies to indicate that a player was eliminated from the game were added, with this one being the first. The Whammy is dressed as an Umpire in a Baseball game, then as soon as the ball is heard landing in the glove, he then yells, "You're out!".
Whammy & Tammy as Country Singers: Whammy and Tammy (in her Tammy Wynette impersonation) are in the spotlight, Tammy sings "It's good to have your money back again." Whammy introduces "Ladies and Gentlemen, Tammy Whamette!" and gets hit by a pie.
Elvis Presley Whammy: The Whammy jukes and jives across screen, wearing the singer's trademark suit, then struts his stuff mid-screen, and throwing his back out.
Football Player Whammy: Whammy runs down a field, eager to receive a football, uttering "I'm open! I'm Open! Throw me the bomb! Throw me the..." And literally, he gets thrown a bomb, which blows up as he can only mutter an "Oh no......" This Whammy animation was usually played during Football season.
- NOTE: This Whammy animation was used when a contestant hit his fourth Whammy in a January 1986 episode, instead of the usual Whammy-out animation. This marked the only post-September 14, 1984 episode this anomaly occurred.
Halloween Whammy: This Whammy animation was only shown in Halloween 1984 and 1985. Tammy Whammette sees someone in a ghost costume approaching her, saying "Trick-or-treat" multiple times, then Tammy conceals the face and reveals the Whammy, causing Tammy to scream at the top of her lungs, much to the Whammy's dismay. This animation was only used in gameplay from October 29 to 31, 1984, and on October 31, 1985, the animation was seen during the intro without its audio.
Set 7 (January 1985)[]
Whammy Supremes: A trio of dark-haired female Whammies start singing a parody of one of the Supremes' hits "All I need is cash, gimme all your money" then the audience (not in the studio) sings "give back your money" as the trio slowly dances off-screen.
Movie Star Whammy: The Whammy is sitting in the Director's chair, with his name on it, look at the screen, and says, "Now that I'm a star, I need makeup. MAKEUP!", and a giant puff of makeup smacks him in the face.
Fortune Teller Whammy: A female Whammy predicts the player's future and tells the player "It's coming to me now, I see financial disaster in your future." Then the Whammy and the crystal ball explode out of sight. This animation was played when Nancy lost $25,235 in September 1985.
Beatles Whammy: Four Whammies play instruments and sing "I want to take it back from you." It ends when they lower their heads, with an applause sound effect.
American Express Card Whammy: Based on actor Karl Malden's commercials for the Banking company. A Whammy, donned in a grey business suit, holds an "American Excess" credit card, using the slogan "Hello, do you know me?" "WHAMMY" is typed onto the card and a cash register sound was heard, the exact moment where the contestant's score is wiped out. And unfortunately, we do know him.
- NOTE: In late-1985, American Express company filed a lawsuit against the show for using the company's likeliness without their consent, thus prompting the animation to be dropped, and the flashback intros with said animation are edited out for future first-run broadcasts. The animation was last shown in January 1986.
Window Washer Whammy: The Whammy's platform is lowered and then wipes away the player's score digit by digit while singing, and then yells "Okay, take it away!" and as the platform is being raised, something breaks off-screen and the Whammy says "Aw, gee..."
Set 8 (April 1985)[]
Tarzan Whammy: This Whammy was only seen from April to December 1985. The Whammy, dressed in a loincloth, swings on a vine as the score is erased digit by digit, then slams into an elephant coming forward who is none too happy.
Basketball Player Whammy: A tall and slim Whammy moves across the screen dribbling a basketball, saying "Look out", name-dropping Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird, then makes a crashing sound off-screen.
Cruise Ship Whammy: The second "You're Out!" Whammy animation. While waving a handkerchief on a cruise, the Whammy says "Hasta luego (Spanish for "See you later)! Arrivederci ("See you later" in Italian)! Bon voyage (French for "Have a nice trip")! That means goodbye!" to the contestant, and laughs as the ship sails away.
Cheerleaders Whammy: Tammy and Whammy both say "Give me a W-H-A, Give me an M-M-Y!!!!" Upon saying the "Y" in "whammy", Tammy hits Whammy with a megaphone, leaving his head stuck inside and causing him to echo the "Y".
Baseball Player Whammy: The Whammy is up to bat and taunts the pitcher. Then he gets hit in the gut by a baseball. This Whammy animation was usually played during Baseball Season.
- Version 1.0 has the Whammy saying this:
Gimme a fastball. Gimme a curveball. Gimme a spitball. Gimme everything you got or I'll knock it out of the park.
- Version 2.0 has the various pitches cut out.
Matador Whammy: This Whammy was only seen from April to November 1985. A Whammy dressed a matador says "Toro!!! Hey Toro!!!!" The Bull charges at him because the Whammy is red, with the crowd saying "OLÉ!!!!!" Flamenco music can be heard if you listen closely. Version 2.0 was released shortly after this animation debuted, and moved at a noticeably faster framerate.
Cyndi Lauper Whammy: Whammy, dressed like Cyndi, comes dancing in, parodying a line from Girls Just Want to Have Fun, singing "I want money! I want money!" twice, then as she dances off screen, she sings "Cash! Woo! Woo!". Sometimes, the audience clapped along with the beat.
Tina Turner Whammy: The Whammy dressed like Tina Turner, walks across screen singing "I... I got money! It's everything! Aaaahhhh..." Sometimes, the audience claps along with the beat.
Sherlock Holmes Whammy: The detective, accompanied by Fang, holds a magnifying glass to his eye, saying "Elementary, my dear Fang." and declares "It was greed that got 'em." as if the player wanted more money and lost it all. He might have made a fair point. The chimes of London’s clock tower Big Ben can be heard if you listen closely.
Set 9 (August 1985)[]
Bowler Whammy: Preparing to roll a bowling ball down the lane, in hopes of getting a strike, the Whammy says "I'm bowling for bucks, and it's a strike!". Then the Whammy says "Uh oh..." as he turns his head around and notices a much bigger ball rolling towards him, and then gets a strike he obviously doesn't want - he gets struck by the giant bowling ball, taking the Whammy with it. Now that's a strike!
Photographer Whammy: A Whammy is standing adjacent to a camera with a black cloth over his face, ready to take a picture, and telling the contestant "I want to get a picture of you losing your money. Say cheese!" Then the flashbulb explodes, and the Whammy appears to be dizzy, seeing stars. The player who got this Whammy would sometimes smile along. According to a recollection, this animation was played when Trish lost $35,000 in June 1986, the biggest loss ever in the original CBS Series.
Whammy with Big Buck: A whammy is apparently tired of players chanting "Big Bucks", and claims "All I hear is Big Bucks, Big Bucks!" and confirmed "I got your Big Buck!", which is actually a buck deer on a leash, which snorted as the Whammy laughed, then walked off screen. Very funny!
Rock Star Whammy: undoubtedly created to cash in on the growing popularity of the Heavy Metal genre. A Whammy with a rock hairdo, plays the electric guitar while singing, then gets electrocuted as the score is wiped out, then dies with his remains in a pile of dust.
Human Cannonball Whammy: This Whammy was only seen from August to November 1985. As the announcer (voiced by Rick Stern) introduces this Whammy, saying "Now appearing in the center ring, the Great Whamini!" while the Whammy is waving to the audience, the Whammy then ducks inside the cannon, and then the cannon blows up, and the Whammy says "Holy smokes, guys, no..."
Aerobics Instructor Whammy: A female Whammy (not known if it's Tammy Whammette) informs the girls "I want to see sweat" then does a few exercise moves to familiar exercise music, then slips and falls to the ground in a pretzel-like formation.
Set 10 (December 1985)[]
Bicycle Whammy: The Whammy was showing off with his hands in the air while pedaling a bicycle, saying "Look, ma! No hands and no bucks!" then does a wheelie and crashes off-screen.
Ben Franklin Whammy: Whammy flies a kite telling the contestant "The chances of you winning this game are about as good as mine being hit by..." then gets zapped by a lightning bolt and the player's total is erased all at once. Be careful what you say!
Liberace Whammy: With a candelabra above his head (with a chain hooked to it), the Whammy plays a tune, then after a few seconds, the candelabra crashes on his head. Even the flames of the candles go out as this happens. The real-life Liberace passed away just over a year after this animation debuted.
Barbershop Quartet Whammy: The third and last "You're Out!" Whammy animation. Three Whammies and Fang sing "You're out" one at a time in harmony, then all shout "You're out!".
Willie Nelson Whammy: This was the shortest-lived Whammy animation of the series, known to be shown on at least three occasions. There were two versions:
- Version 1.0, first seen on January 6, 1986 (first show in 4:00 p,m. E.T. slot), had the animation come in faster, while singing on a horse a parody of "On The Road Again", then riding off-screen in slower motion. Version 1.0 was only shown once.
- Version 2.0, known to be seen on-June 4, 1986 and early in July 1986, had a different audio track, and the Whammy on the horse came in slower, and the Whammy asked "How do you like that, Peter?" as they rode off-screen. Either way, Peter really didn't like it.
Set 11 (June 1986)[]
Orchestra Whammy: A conductor (supposedly based on Leopold Stokowski) is seen leading an orchestra of Whammies to the 1812 Overture, during which, a cannon is wheeled in from the left, the conductor getting worried when he sees it. It then blows up the entire orchestra, destroying them in a "BLAMO!" cloud of smoke. This was the longest Whammy animation in the series, with a total running time of greater than ten seconds.
Eye Doctor Whammy: The Whammy as an Eye Doctor asked the player "Can you read this? U L-O-S-E! Ha ha ha ha--". Then the Whammy pulls the string and gets caught in the chart and rolled up with it.
Judge Whammy: The Whammy, dressed in his black robe, pounds his gavel twice, saying "Order! Order! I sentence you to poverty!". Then on his ultimate pound of the gavel, the judge's podium collapses, revealing that the Whammy is in his underwear with red polka dots.
Clown Car Whammy: The Whammy is seen driving a funny but small car to circus music while holding a firecracker. The Whammy then places the firecracker on the ground, uttering the four words "Fire in the hole!". The car stalls, the music winds down, and in a matter of seconds, the firecracker is detonated and the Whammy is killed along with the car in the same "BLAMO!" cloud of smoke as the Orchestra Whammy.
First and Last Whammy Appearances[]
Here is a table showing the Whammy animations in order by when they first appeared in the CBS run, and their corresponding final appearances:
Whammy type | First CBS Appearance | Final CBS Appearance | Notes |
Hammer Whammy | September 19, 1983 | As recent as May 3, 1985 | Disappeared by January 17, 1984, but reappeared in November 1984, and continued to be used until May 1985. |
Pogo Stick Whammy | September 19, 1983 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | First Whammy animation shown on the CBS series. Disappeared by January 17, 1984 but reappeared on May 2, 1984. |
Whammy Walking Fang | September 19, 1983 | March 12, 1985 | Version 1.0 was a smaller size and used until February 1984
Version 2.0 had enlarged frames and first appeared October 1984, and continued to be used until March 1985. |
Dancing Act Whammy | September 19, 1983 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | Disappeared in April 1985, but reappeared as an intro Whammy as early as December 1985, and eventually reappeared in gameplay sometime in April 1986. |
TNT Whammy | September 20, 1983 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | This animation may hold the distinction of having the most appearances on the series than any other Whammy animation. It was also seen on Gameshow Marathon on June 8, 2006. |
Jumping Whammy | September 21, 1983 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | Disappeared in March 1984, returned that Fall. |
Lawn Mower Whammy | September 21, 1983 | December 3, 1985 | Was gone from the rotation after the first week of December 1985. |
Hula Dancer Whammy | September 22, 1983 | September 1986 | Disappeared from the rotation in February 1985. Came back that December, and since then, animation was used primarily when a contestant hits his/her first Whammy after hitting a Hawaiian or Polynesian holiday (Tahiti, Fiji Islands, etc.) |
Jaws Whammy | September 22, 1983 | September 1986 | Disappeared in January 1984, returned in April that year, disappeared after June that year, came back that Fall, was gone again in April 1985, then returned again a year later in April 1986. |
Pilot Whammy | September 22, 1983 | September 1986 | Disappeared in August 1985, returned in December. |
Bulldozer Whammy | September 22, 1983 | November 1985 | Disappeared in January 1984, returned in April, disappeared again in July, returned again in September, disappeared again in January 1985, then came back once more in August. |
Magician Whammy | October 4, 1983 | December 10, 1985 | Disappeared (no pun intended) by January 17, 1984, but reappeared on December 10, 1985, then pulled its ultimate disappearing act from the show completely. With roughly 23 months between appearances, this may be the longest gap between appearances of a specific Whammy animation. |
Rocket Ship Whammy | October 19, 1983 | June 14, 1984 | Version 1.0 with the reference to The Right Stuff was used for roughly one week.
Version 2.0 was edited to replace the movie reference with silence. It was used from sometime late in October 1983 until as late as November 1, 1983. Version 3.0 was seen as early as November 2, 1983, with new dialogue instead of silence. This Whammy animation was phased out as of January 17, 1984, making only two more appearances on April 24, 1984 and June 14, 1984, before it disappeared off the face of the earth forever. |
Whammy on Roller Skates | October 19, 1983 | September 1986 | A frequently-seen Whammy animation. |
Boxer Whammy | October 20, 1983 | As early as July 22, 1986 | Disappeared by January 17, 1984, but reappeared late in 1984, then disappeared by January 1985 but reappeared December 1985 and used for the remainder of the series. There is no certainty if this Whammy animation was only seen during boxing season. |
Jackhammer Whammy | October 21, 1983 | September 1986 | A frequently-seen Whammy animation. If a player got a Whammy but was still in during the split-screen portion, this animation would be played off-screen. |
Surfer Whammy | October 24, 1983 | May 1986 | Version 1.0 had the original dialogue "I got your curl and I got your money! Ha ha ha ha ha!", before being replaced with version 2.0.
Version 2.0 had updated dialogue "I got your money! It's a wipeout!" which was used for a short period before reverting back to Version 1.0 by in January 1984 and eventually back to version 2.0 in April. This Whammy was later brought back for Spring and Summer. It was also seen on Gameshow Marathon on June 8, 2006. |
Thanksgiving Whammy | November 18, 1983 | November 27, 1985 | Used in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. Version 1.0 with a John Wayne-style voice at the end was last used on November 23, 1983. The shortened Version 2.0 was used for the remainder of the series. Some speculated that John Wayne's estate (since he was deceased by that time) may have complained and threatened legal action, which prompted the "voice" to be edited out. |
Scrooge Whammy | December 20, 1983 | December 25, 1985 | The first Christmas-themed Whammy animation seen in the series, and the only Whammy animation seen on the episode it first appeared on, December 20, 1983. |
Santa Claus Whammy | December 21, 1983 | December 25, 1985 | The only Christmas-themed Whammy animation shown during Rod Roddy's opening spiel, which was on December 25, 1985. |
Christmas Tree Whammy | December 22, 1983 | December 25, 1985 | Two versions of this Whammy each with different audio tracks. Both versions may appear on the same episode. |
New Year's Baby Whammy | December 26, 1983 | January 2, 1986 | The version with the "1984" sash was used for the entire week of December 26-30, 1983. The "1985" version was used only once or twice on January 2, 1985, and the "1986" version was only seen once on January 2, 1986, during Round 1.
In the 1986 version, the "6" appears to have a thinner outline. |
Champagne Bottle Whammy | December 26, 1983 | December 31, 1985 | Used only during New Year's Eve. |
Skateboarder Whammy | January 17, 1984 | September 1986 | Disappeared in October 1984, returned in April 1985, disappeared again in August, Reappeared a little bit in December, before being back again in April 1986. |
Paul Revere Whammy | January 17, 1984 | May 1986 | Disappeared in January 1985, returned in September, disappeared again in December, and returned again in February 1986 until May. |
Skier Whammy | January 17, 1984 | April 1986 | Normally used during Fall and Winter. |
Whammy and Fang Chasing a Cat | January 18, 1984 | November 22, 1985 | Disappeared in June 1984, returned in September, and disappeared altogether in December 1985. |
Snowblower Whammy | January 18, 1984 | April 1986 | Normally used during Fall and Winter. |
$1 Bill Whammy | January 19, 1984 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | Disappeared in December 1985, but returned in April 1986. |
Flying Carpet Whammy | January 19, 1984 | August 1984 | |
UFO Whammy | March 13, 1984 | September 1986 | Disappeared in June 1984, returned in September. |
Michael Jackson Whammy | March 13, 1984 | September 1986 | It seemed like this Whammy had disappeared in April 1985, until a fan request during the viewer mail segment prompted it to be brought back in July. |
Politician Whammy | March 14, 1984 | November 1984 | Used only during the months leading up to the Presidential election from March to November 1984. |
Native American in Canoe Whammy | March 14, 1984 | September 1986 | Disappeared in April 1985, returned in December. |
Breakdancing Whammy | June 20, 1984 | September 1986 | |
Whammy & Tammy at Picnic | June 20, 1984 | June 1985 | First appearance of Tammy Whammette.
Version 1.0 was used to September 1984. Version 2.0 first appeared during College Week in April 5, 1985 and used until June due to references to spring. |
Boy George Whammy | June 20, 1984 | September 1986 | Disappeared in August 1985, returned in December. |
Whammy on Water Skis | June 21, 1984 | September 1986 | After disappearing in October 1984, it was normally seen during Spring and Summer. |
Dixieland Band Whammy | June 22, 1984 | September 1986 | |
Olympic Torch Whammy | June 29, 1984 | August 10, 1984 | The first of two Olympic-themed Whammy animations. |
Pole Vaulter Whammy | August 2, 1984 | August 9, 1984 | The other Olympic-themed Whammy animation. |
Weightlifter Whammy | September 17, 1984 | May 1986 | Disappeared in August 1985, returned in February 1986 until May. |
Pizza Guy Whammy | September 17, 1984 | December 1985 | |
Vocalist Group Whammy | September 17, 1984 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | |
Umpire Whammy | September 17, 1984 | September 1986 | First Whammy animation designated for players having earned four Whammies. |
Whammy & Tammy as Country Singers | September 18, 1984 | September 1986 | |
Elvis Presley Whammy | September 18, 1984 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | Disappeared on January 4, 1985, possibly due to an issue with Presley's estate, and shortly before what would have been his 50th Birthday, but returned in December. |
Football Player Whammy | September 19, 1984 | By February 15, 1986 | Used primarily when NFL season was underway, and was put on hiatus after the Super Bowl was over. Although the last Sunday in January was when the Super Bowl took place during that time, this Whammy animation did make its final appearance in February 1986, even though NFL season had already ended. |
Halloween Whammy | October 29, 1984 | October 31, 1985 | Used a total of only four episodes. For Halloween 1985, the animation, on mute, was shown only in the intro. |
Supremes Whammy | January 4, 1985 | September 1986 | |
Movie Star Whammy | January 4, 1985 | September 1986 | |
Fortune Teller Whammy | January 4, 1985 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | |
Beatles Whammy | January 7, 1985 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | |
American Express Card Whammy | January 7, 1985 | By January 22, 1986 | Discontinued due to a lawsuit by American Express company. |
Window Washer Whammy | January 11, 1985 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | |
Tarzan Whammy | April 1, 1985 | December 3, 1985 | Disappeared in December, possibly due to an issue with the estate of Tarzan creator Edgar Rice Burroughs. It was also seen on Gameshow Marathon on June 8, 2006. |
Basketball Player Whammy | April 1, 1985 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | Disappeared in August 1985, returned in December. It's unclear if it was only used during NBA Season. |
Cruise Ship Whammy | April 1, 1985 | September 1986 | Second Whammy animation designated for a contestant hitting his or her fourth Whammy. It was also seen on Gameshow Marathon on June 8, 2006. |
Cheerleaders Whammy | April 2, 1985 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | Disappeared in August 1985, returned in December. |
Baseball Player Whammy | April 2, 1985 | September 1986 | Used mostly during Major League Baseball season. Version 2.0 quickly replaced version 1.0. |
Matador Whammy | April 2, 1985 | November 7, 1985 | Version 1.0 had a longer audio track and slower frames, occurring at least twice - its first appearance during College Week on April 2, 1985. Version 2.0 with a different audio track and quicker frames started to appear later by May 1985. |
Cyndi Lauper Whammy | April 2, 1985 | May 1986 | |
Tina Turner Whammy | April 3, 1985 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | Used during much of 1985 and 1986 in the wake of the success of her album Private Dancer and its singles, and the development of her 1986 album Break Every Rule. |
Sherlock Holmes Whammy | April 5, 1985 | September 1986 | |
Bowler Whammy | August 26, 1985 | May 1986 | Appeared on the first taped Back-to-School episode, which was never aired by CBS. |
Photographer Whammy | August 23, 1985 | September 1986 | Appeared on the first taped Back-to-School episode, which was never aired by CBS. |
Whammy with Big Buck | August 26, 1985 | September 1986 | Appeared on the first taped Back-to-School episode, which was never aired by CBS. |
Rock Star Whammy | August 23, 1985 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | |
Human Cannonball Whammy | August 22, 1985 | November 18, 1985 | It's unclear if it was ever brought back in 1986. |
Aerobics Instructor Whammy | August 26, 1985 | December 5, 1985 | Never seen in 1986. Possibly the last new Whammy animation to feature Tammy Whammette (though it is unconfirmed if it really was Tammy Whammette in a leotard). |
Bicycle Whammy | December 26, 1985 | September 1986 | |
Ben Franklin Whammy | December 26, 1985 | September 1986 | |
Liberace Whammy | December 27, 1985 | September 1986 | |
Barbershop Quartet Whammy | December 30, 1985 | September 1986 | The last of the three Whammy-Out Whammy animations introduced to the series. |
Willie Nelson Whammy | January 6, 1986 | As recent as July 1986, possibly September | Version 1.0 was most likely seen just one time on January 6, 1986 (the first show to air in the 4:00 P.M. ET "death slot"). Version 2.0 with modified audio and slower frames was introduced by early-June 1986, and was retired as early as July 1986. This non-special occasion Whammy animation may be on track of having the fewest appearances in all. |
Orchestra Whammy | June 2, 1986 | September 1986 | With a running time of over ten seconds, this Whammy animation has the longest audio track than any other Whammy animation in the series. It is also one of two Whammy animations in which at least one Whammy is killed because of a weapon. |
Eye Doctor Whammy | June 2, 1986 | September 1986 | |
Judge Whammy | As early as June 3, 1986 | September 1986 | |
Clown Car Whammy | As early as June 3, 1986 | September 1986 | This is the one of two Whammy animations in which at least one Whammy is killed because of a weapon. |
Animations In Whammy![]
Season 1 (2002)[]
Crocodile Hunter Whammy: A Whammy is seen attempting to catch a crocodile (a wad of money) with a voice saying, "The secret is to catch the crocodile by surprise." Then wrestles with the crocodile and holds it up victorious.
NSYNC Whammy: They are released from a puppet string and will bid your money "Bye Bye Bye". This animation references the music video of the aforementioned group's song, "Bye Bye Bye", and the album cover of their album, "No Strings Attached". When played, multiple off-screen voices sing: You better cry, cause your money's gone, bye bye bye. The pilots used a cover of the actual song.
Snowboarding Double Whammy: A Whammy is seen performing tricks on a snowboard. Fake snow proceeds to dump all over the unlucky contestant.
Basketball Whammy: A throwback to the classic series, this Whammy comes in dribbling a basketball, then does a slam dunk so hard he ends up hanging on the net!
Water Hose Double Whammy: A Whammy is seen struggling with an out-of-control water hose. When the animation was finished, a sprayer would come out of the contestant desk and spray the unlucky contestant with water.
Judge Judy Whammy: Similar to the one from the classic shows, but very different. An off-screen voice says: "All rise for Judge Whammy." Then a pink Whammy dressed up like Judge Judy comes up and says: "I don't wanna hear about your money problems. DISMISSED!" as she pounds her gavel on the player's score.
Bug Spray Double Whammy: A whammy sees a group of buzzing bugs in the air and uses a spraying pump to spew some green smoke and kill the bugs. After a few tries, he pumps the spray into the air and kills the bugs, as it happens, plastic bugs and a threaded spider web fall down on the contestant.
Tarzan Whammy: He will go back and forth at your screen and eventually, hit the camera. Same whammy in Classic Press Your Luck but the difference was that the whammy had hit an Elephant.
Pizza Dough Double Whammy: Another throwback to the classic series. This Whammy is seen tossing a pizza dough and sings "Though the losers may try, no one makes pizza pie like the Whammy!" On the last word, he tosses the dough upwards, which causes the real dough to land on the player's head, along with some extra flour for good measure!
Popcorn Double Whammy: A Whammy is seen making Jiffy Pop over a campfire, in which the popcorn pops in the pot and explodes, causing the popcorn to fall on the contestant.
Godfather Whammy: A Whammy comes out as The Godfather saying, "Don't ever press your luck with the family." He then proceeds to slam his violin case on the contestant's earnings.
Cell Phone Whammy: A Whammy is on a cell phone, asking the trademark question from Verizon Wireless twice: "Can you hear me now?" but all he hears is static, causing him to say, "You're outta range...and money!". The trademark question was removed in season 2, replacing it with "I'm losing you!" and "You're dropping out!", respectively.
Grocery Double Whammy: A female Whammy comes in holding a bag of groceries. She says, "Mommy's home! And she's brought home some lovely fruits and vegetables." But then she slips on a roller skate, causing the groceries to go everywhere and fall on the contestant, too!
Oscar Winner Whammy: A Whammy is seen accepting his Oscar award. He gives his acceptance speech saying, "I like to thank my agent, but most of all, YOU!" He then tosses his award and goes for the contestant's money.
Ping Pong Double Whammy: A Whammy is seen hitting a ping pong ball to the other side of the table. Every time he hits one back, more ping pong balls appear. Eventually, the Whammy sees so many ping pong balls flying at him, he has no choice but to duck down. A few seconds later, the player gets a barrage of ping pong balls to the head. Ouch!
Lawn Mower Double Whammy: Like the classic series, except there are grass-shaped dollar signs. The Whammy runs by and mows them down shouting "Money money money!" which causes real grass to fall on the player.
Emeril Whammy: A Whammy dresses up in a chef outfit, impersonating Emeril Lagasse. He says, "Hey, let's kick it up a notch". With his handkerchief, he slams the bag of money three times and each time he says "BAM!".
Magician Whammy: A Whammy is seen performing a magic trick. He is pulling out wads of money from his hat, not before getting pulled into the hat and waving his wand eliminating the contestant's earnings in the process.
George Foreman Grill Whammy: A Whammy is grilling wads of money. He says in his best imitation of the former Boxer turned grill pitchman, "You can get this mean green burning machine for one easy payment of all your money," during which he coughs from the smoke.
Spelling Bee Whammy: A skirt wearing Whammy participates in a spelling bee. An off-screen voice says: "Spell: LOSER." The Whammy then says, "Loser, Y-O-U, LOSER!" There is no certainty if this was inspired by the Eye Doctor Whammy skit from Summer 1986.
Bungee Jumping Whammy: A Whammy is seen bungee jumping. On the third jump, the rope breaks causing the Whammy to crash land. Ouch.
Mime Whammy: A Whammy acting like a mime who's trapped in a box before falling on the ground. That's a terrible mime trick!
Wrestler Whammy: As a wrestler, the Whammy performs a dive onto the contestant's earnings, before posing and jumping from the top rope.
Attic Double Whammy: A Whammy sees a ladder coming down. Then the Whammy climbs up saying, "The money's gotta be around here somewhere." As he pulls the switch, clothes come down, and on the contestant too!
Pillow Double Whammy: A Whammy sneaks quietly into view and sees as a pillow on the floor. He whacks the pillow on the floor for a few times causing the feathers to fly out of view and then rain down on the contestant. What a pillow fight.
Basketball Double Whammy: Just like the single one, but this time, foam basketballs fall on the contestant; talk about a real slam dunk!
Martha Stewart Whammy: A female Whammy impersonates Martha Stewart, making soup in a pot on a stove, saying "This is one of my favorite dishes, and it doesn't cost any money." she knocks over a pot of water, and then says the trademark, "It's a good thing". But losing all your money to a Whammy? That's a bad thing.
Whammy Faye Bakker: She just wants to thank the contestant for their generous donation.
Dynamite Whammy: Another throwback from the 80s show. A Whammy is seen detonating a block of dynamite, blowing off his fur in the process.
Cannonball Double Whammy: A Whammy is seen being shot out of a cannon, dumping his fur all over the contestant.
Karate Whammy: A Whammy is seen doing karate moves on punching board. He then bows.
Wedding Double Whammy: A male and female Whammy are now a married couple and as they walk down the stairway, white rice are being thrown around them and then in a downpour. For the contestant, white rice and then a bouquet of flowers fall on him/her.
Silly String Double Whammy: A Whammy runs into view wearing a party hat and blowing on a blowout (a party noise maker). He then sprays a can of silly string into the air as it falls around him, while some silly string is sprayed down onto the contestant.
Harry Potter Whammy: A Whammy comes out as Harry Potter on his broomstick, performing a spell in which he steals the winnings of the contestant.
Coffee Double Whammy: A Whammy is behind a counter with a coffee machine and says, "One non-fat double tall sugar-free latte with extra foam..." And then the machine explodes causing coffee to go everywhere. Coffee beans and Styrofoam cups come raining down on the contestant, right when the Whammy adds, "Absolutely no dough."
Britney Spears Whammy: A female Whammy is dancing like Britney Spears singing "Kiss Me Where the Sun Don't Shine" a parody of Spears' song "Baby...One More Time."
Weakest Link Whammy: A Whammy posing as The Weakest Link host Anne Robinson says to the contestant: "Who's one spin short of being the winner? Bye-Bye."
Athlete Double Whammy: This one was only used twice, once in every season. A group of Whammy athletes lift up a keg of Gatorade in which they splash out water. On its first appearance in season 1, someone dressed up in a Whammy costume with a keg pouring multi-colored confetti, but on its only other appearance in season 2, it is simply dropped on the contestant, and was orange confetti.
M&Ms Whammy: A whammy that is presented with a bowl of M&Ms will dive to it making your money disappear and whammy floating.
Surfing Double Whammy: Another whammy from the classic show. A whammy is surfing the great waves of the sea and he can share his experience by wetting you and dropping you fishes.
Season 2 (2003)[]
Rappin' Whammy: A Whammy dressed as a rapper proceeds to pull a sweet rapping phrase: "GO WHAMMY! WELL, I'M THE RAPPIN' WHAMMY AND I AIN'T NO JOKE/'CUZ I'M CLEANING YOU OUT AND LEAVING YOU BROKE!" and then takes a dollar bill out of the contestant's bank and poses with it.
Barber Double Whammy: A Whammy holds a pair of scissors as he is about to trim the hair off a nervous dollar-shaped customer. During the process, he says, "Okay, we're gonna take just a little bit off the top, and a little bit off the sides and we're gonna leave you with nothing," and giggles in delight. After the hair flies around during the trimming, the hair then lands on the contestant.
Race Car Whammy: A Whammy is seen driving a race car. He then grabs the contestant's money before spinning out and wiping out!
Supermodel Whammy: A Whammy cross-dressing as a supermodel is seen walking down a stage while the announcer says, "Work it, Super Whammy, come on, work it honey!" But then the Whammy says, "I'm so hungry, I could eat all your money!" And he eats the contestant's cash. Then he burps.
Janitor Double Whammy: A Whammy says, "This place needs a good cleaning", while mopping dollar bills around the floor. But then he slips and knocks the bucket off the floor, and throws the mop up in the air until the mop head lands on the contestant.
ATM Whammy: Bill, (a stack of money) is seen walking up to a machine labeled BIG BANK. The bill presses some of the buttons and then a Whammy pops up on the screen. He says: "Sorry. You've got insufficient funds." Then the Whammy's hands grab Bill by the legs, and pull him inside.
Masseuse Whammy: A Whammy is seen giving a massage to Bill saying, "Now just relax and I'll work on that knot." He over massages Bill reducing him to dollar bills that spill everywhere. He then says, "There, no more knot."
Ozzy Osbourne Whammy: A Whammy seen dressed as Ozzy Osbourne starts walking around running his mouth off like a drunken sailor: "I ********* fabulous, **** All I have to do is **** walk around being my **** self. And ******* get paid for it! Whoo hoo!" Someone should wash his mouth with soap.
Whamzilla Double Whammy: A giant Whammy is seen stomping down on a city. Scraps of buildings are seen going everywhere. Bill (a stack of money) says: "Look! It's Whamzilla!" Bill then runs off in panic. Then pieces of foam, supposed pieces of a building, fall on the contestant. That's gotta hurt.
Junk Mail Double Whammy: A Whammy is seen pulling on a blue mailbox. He struggles to get it open, and when he finally does, junk mail falls on the contestant.
Meditating Whammy: A Whammy is seen doing some meditation and begins to levitate. He then spins out revealing himself with money in both of his hands saying "money" before giggling.
Photo Booth Whammy: A Whammy is in charge of a photo booth. Bill appears with a camera and Whammy asks him if he had vacation photos or pictures of his new baby before the camera malfunctions sending camera flashes everywhere.
Drill Sergeant Whammy: A Whammy dressed as a drill sergeant blows his whistle at Bill to "drop and give me 20!" Then he yells to "give me everything!".
Sheep Double Whammy: A Whammy is seen conducting a flock of sheep while singing his rendition of "Mary Had a Little Lamb". Midway through, he shears the sheep of their wool, causing real wool to fall on the contestant!
Paper Shredder Double Whammy: A send-up of the Enron scandal. Whammy is seen holding a box of money and a paper shredder directly next to him. He says: "I better file these important financial documents." He then pushes the box into the shredder. Pieces of shredded bank notes rain down on the contestant and the Whammy himself. He looks nervously upward.
Meteorologist Double Whammy: A voice says, "And now here's Whammy with the Whammy Weather." The Whammy thanks the voice and says, "It appears we'll have patches of hail moving in today, especially around...your money!" He then pulls open an umbrella as fake snow and hailstones fall on the contestant.
Ventriloquist Whammy: Bill is seen controlling a ventriloquist dummy version of the Whammy with Whammy telling him that he's the dummy. Bill argues that Whammy is the dummy. The Whammy then says, "You look like you could use a drink" then grabs a dollar bill out of Bill's stack and runs off with Bill chasing him. Whammy can then be heard saying, "Now who's the dummy?"
Figure Skater Double Whammy: A Whammy is seen figure skating. More fake snow rains on the contestant. After his routine, the judges, all made up of three Bills, give him all zeros.
Riverdance Whammy: A Whammy tap dances into the screen from the left, then hides away to "magically" make six groups of Whammies to appear and tap dance, moving closer and taking up the entire screen. When this first appeared on the St. Patrick's Day 2003 show, the Whammies were green.
Shark Whammy: Bill is being used as bait while a Whammy as a shark jumps out of the water and snatches him.
Cotton Candy Double Whammy: Bill approaches the Whammy at a cotton candy booth. Whammy proceeds to give Bill the cotton candy, but it keeps spinning in the machine. Pieces of cotton candy rain down on the contestant.
Artist Whammy: This was the last new animation added in the 2002 version in production order. A Whammy paints a picture of the contestant's face and then paints a circle-slash symbol over it. During the painting he says, "You are spectacular. I think you will agree I have captured you beautifully, and your money."
Animations in Video Game[]
Torchrunner Whammy: A revamped-version of the 80s version.
Bulldozer Whammy: The Whammy on a bulldozer pushes away bags of money as He waves to the player.
Breakdancing Whammy: A revamped version of the 80s version, except the boombox explodes with a BAM.
Gold Pool Diver Whammy: The Whammy dives into piles of gold like Scrooge McDuck, but Hurts Himself on impact.
Bowling Pin Whammies: A Bowling ball misses six Whammies that look like Bowling Pins, but another bowling ball blows them away.
Godzilla Whammy: The Whammy looking like Godzilla causes chaos in a city where the buildings are made of gold coins.
Fly Whammy: A Fly looking like the whammy flies by and is hit by a flyswatter, then falls down.
Dixieland Whammies: A Revamped version of the 80s version. with 4 members instead of 6, in the end, the cymbal strikes the banjo player as the other two look at the incident.
Weightlifter Whammy: A Revamped version of the 80's version.
Tarzan Whammy: A Revamped version of the 80s Version.
Hick Whammy: The Whammy plays a banjo, gets hit in the face with a pie, the Whammy continues playing, but a hook pulls Him off-screen.
Frodo Whammy: A Frodo-like whammy uses a ring to turn invisible to steal bags of money from two trolls looking like Strong Violet Whammies.
Baseball Whammy: The Whammy holds up a baseball bat but is pelted and buried with a lot of baseballs, a Bowling Ball and a car.
Vampire Whammy: A Whammy wearing Vampire attire is chased by bats.
Bumper Car Whammies: A male whammy in a bumper car bumps a girl Whammy's car, but the girl retaliates with a much bigger bumper car.
Santa Whammy: A Whammy wearing a santa beard asks two young whammies what They would like for Christmas, and the young Whammies ask for Money. with that Santa Whammy snaps His fingers for a pile of Money burying them.
Talent Show Whammies: A Female whammy sings a high note. two of the three Judges give Her an X, the third judge ponders for a few seconds, and gives the contestant an X, resulting in the contestant to fall down a trap door.
Whammy and Tammy Picnic: A revised version of the 80s version. but on a frame right before Crying, Tammy's left eye is yellow, the same color as Her mask.
Magician Whammy: The Whammy covers a pile of cash with a cloth and removes it to reveal a Rabbit, appearing that He ate the money, Smiling.
Opera Whammy: A Whammy sings a couple of high notes until He is crushed by a sandbag.
Introduction Whammy: When players begin the game for the first time, the Whammy puts a bomb next to a safe. He even covers his ears as the fuse shortens. While that happens, the announcer tells the player on how the game's layout goes. As the announcer finishes, the bomb rolls to the Whammy and blows him up.
Animations in 2019 Press Your Luck[]
Season 1 (2019)[]
Bachelor Whammy: Whammy shows the contestant a rose and says, "This is the final rose of the night. Take a moment... And say goodbye to your money!" He then blows on the rose, making its petals hover over the contestant's score, leaving it at 0 as he laughs.
Oprah Winfrey Whammy: Whammy informs multiple people they lost money due to them getting a Whammy, but then gets crushed by a falling car. Oddly enough, he was referencing the "You get a(n) [X]..." meme.
Boomerang Whammy: Whammy says to the contestant, "Your money always comes back to me, mate!" in an Australian accent and throws his boomerang at the score, leaving it at 0. The boomerang eventually hits Whammy in the back and exclaims, "Crikey!" while tumbling off-screen.
Magic Mirror Whammy: Whammy, dressed as the Evil Queen from Snow White, consults the Magic Mirror and asks it, "Who is the richest one of all?" Whammy then turns around and says to the contestant, "It's not you!", and laughs.
Chef Whammy: Whammy, dressed up as a chef and calling out, "Order up!", rapidly chops up wads of money on the table. He then laughs and splits into multiple pieces as well.
Mission: Impossible Whammy: Whammy slowly descends over the contestant's score and says. "This money will self destruct in..." before he explodes and says, "No seconds..." while looking a little burnt, then quickly rises.
Kissing Whammy: Whammy notes, "Kiss all your money goodbye!" before he blows kisses at the contestant's score, causing it to disappear digit by digit with each kiss. Afterward, he pops into a heart-shaped cloud of smoke.
Jackhammer Whammy: Update of the 1980's version.
Zipline Whammy: Whammy rides down to the player's score on a zipline. First, he crosses the top of the screen saying, "I'm very slowly coming for your money!" Then he crosses the middle of the screen in the opposite direction saying "I'll be there in a minute!" He finally crosses the bottom of the screen, over the contestant's score, leaving it at 0 while saying, "I'm finally here for your money!" Whammy crashes off-screen and the line snaps.
Surfing Whammy: Update of the 1980's version.
Burglar Whammy: Whammy climbs up from out of a hole and sneaks up on the contestant's score. Then he quickly snatches lots of money from it in his sack, leaving the score at 0. Whammy puts the sack over his shoulder and says, "Thanks for everything! And I mean everything!". He then laughs and walks away, right before he falls down the hole.
Boyband Whammy: Five Whammies in cool-looking outfits rise as if they were in an elevator as upbeat music starts, then they turn to face the camera. They sing "From the very first time I saw you play, I knew I had to come and take your money away! You've been Whammied, baby!" Upon the word "baby", the center Whammy was singing it, and it echoes. As they pose, dollar bills shoot up like confetti. Then, the Whammies descend back down as the contestant's score is reset to 0.
Mechanical Bull Whammy: Our red-skinned beast is on a mechanical bull while holding a cowboy hat in his hand. As the bull starts up, the Whammy says "Yee-haw!" The bull then picks up speed, and the Whammy utters his Yeehaw calls until he flies off the machine and ricochets across the screen, crashing into the bull, making it explode, reducing the player's score to 0.
Wood Chipper Whammy: Whammy throws a few sacks of cash in a wood chipper, saying a variant of the woodchuck tongue-twister, "How much cash would a Whammy shred if a Whammy could shred cash?" but ends up getting chipped along with one of them.
Fortune Teller Whammy: Update of the 1980's version.
Weightlifter Whammy: Update of the 1980's version, only the Whammy falls through the floor a bit differently.
Yoga Whammy: Whammy is seen doing Yoga and introduces the contestant to a move he calls the "Downward Facing Score". He then stretches his back for a while and says, "Namaste. You lose!" to the contestant, before getting rolled up like a burrito by the yoga mat.
Dragon Rider Whammy: A Whammy dressed as Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones (possibly to honor its last season) comes flying on a dragon yelling the Game of Thrones motto, "Winter is coming!", then flies to the contestant's score and says, "And it looks like your money is going!" The dragon breathes fire on the score revealing the score as $0. The Whammy flies away, laughing.
Water Skiing Whammy: Update of the 1980's version, only Tammy Whammette is not present.
Whack-A-Whammy: A hammer hits different Whammies, with every Whammy getting hit yelling "Ow! Ouch!" The Whack-A-Whammy game ends with the final score being $0, and Whammy's voice telling the contestant, "You're the absolute worst at this game."
Fast and Furious Whammy: Whammy shows up driving a car and says, "I'm gonna take your money so fast, you'll be furious!" He then drives off in a cloud of smoke, leaving the score at 0.
UFO Whammy: Update of the 1980's version, only at the beginning, Whammy says, "I think your money's Out of this world!".
Breakdancing Whammy: Update of the 1980's version, only with a head spin.
$1 Bill Whammy: Update of the 1980's version, only with Hail to the Chief playing over it, and the Whammy laughs after saying his original dialogue.
Window Washer Whammy: Update of the 1980's version, only this time, as the window washing platform rises near the end, the Whammy falls.
Harry Potter Whammy: A different version of the 2002-2003 animation, in which Whammy, dressed as Harry Potter flies in on his broomstick then goes off-screen for a while before walking up to the contestant's score. Whammy then casts a spell, "Expelliwhamus", making the score disappear and almost burning him. The Whammy then says, "My wand's broken, but you're broke!".
Embarrassed Skeleton Whammy: Whammy gets his cape caught on the scoreboard. As he struggles to get free, he jumps out of his skin and says "How embarrassing... And on national television..." The Whammy's skeleton picks up his skin and laughs a little as he goes off-screen. In a few cases, the audience may laugh after the Whammy says "...and on national television."
Eye Doctor Whammy: Update of the 1980's version.
Flyswatter Whammy: A fly appears on the screen. Whammy follows shortly after and swats the fly. He giggles a bit right before a bigger fly comes up behind the Whammy and swats him. The giant fly giggles and flies off-screen.
Bartender Whammy: This Whammy appears if a player Whammies out. Whammy says to the contestant. "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.", while he is polishing a glass.
Roller Skating Whammy: Update of the 1980's version.
Lumberjack Whammy: Whammy is seen chopping down a tree, and ends up getting crushed by it.
Tarzan Whammy: Update of the 1980's version, only with slight changes. The Whammy, dressed in a brown loincloth, swings on a vine and does a Tarzan yell. While Tarzan Whammy passes to take the money, he raises his hand & lowers it after taking your money, before crashing into the elephant.
Fireman Whammy: Similar to the 2002-2003 Double Whammy, but before the Whammy turns on the hose he says, "It's a washout!". Plus, Whammy gets run over by a firetruck, and there's no water spraying at the contestant at the end of the animation.
Hypnotist Whammy: Whammy appears on the screen holding a swinging pocket watch while saying, "You're getting very poor... And sleepy!" The Whammy then closes his eyes, falls on his back, and disappears.
Cruise Ship Whammy: Update of 1980s version, only he doesn't laugh at you at the end. This Whammy appears if a player Whammies out.
Golfer Whammy: This Whammy appears if a player Whammies out. The Whammy in golfing attire strikes the golf ball with a club and yells "Fore!", but doing so causes Him to spin out of control, and when He stops Spinning, His arms are tangled up and he says, "Four Whammies means You're Out".
Season 2 (2020)[]
James Bond Whammy: Whammy dressed like James bond walks inside of a white circle and says, “The name’s Whammy. James Whammy.” Then He shoots at the screen with a gun and a "BANG!" sign pops out of it, while green liquid rolls down the screen as the Whammy walks off. The green liquid disappears after that.
Dinosaur-Riding Whammy: Whammy rides on a brontosaurus and has it chomp a piece of the player’s score, saying “Looks like your money’s gone extinct.” Then a meteor crushes the Whammy and the dinosaur, while the player's score drops to 0.
Inflatable Tube Whammy: The Whammy, as an inflatable tube, says "Today only, everything must go, including your money!" then springs a hole, which he says "Huh? Uh-oh..." and flies all over the screen. Midway through, the player's money gets wiped back to zero, before finally crashing offscreen.
Kindergarten Teacher Whammy: Beginning with this Season, particular animations would play if a contestant got a Whammy with no money. Whammy is shown wearing casual clothes with a pointer says to a group of preschoolers whammies, “See, little Whamlets? Zero plus zero still equals zero.” while he points to the player's score, which still shows 0. The preschooler Whammies ooh at what Whammy mentioned and all laugh with him.
Blowtorch Whammy: Whammy is shown with a blowtorch and a welder's mask and says "Time to get to work!". He puts on the mask and torches the player's score, leaving it at 0, but catches himself on fire in the process. Whammy then disintegrates and the welder's mask falls to the floor.
Awkward Moment Whammy: The Whammy runs and says, "I've come to take all of your cash!", but he stops and notices the player still has $0 in their bank. He says "What?! You don't have any money?" The Whammy stands there, embarrassed, and says "Well. This is awkward." as he walks away embarrassed and giggles.
Hula Dancer Whammy: Update of the 1980's version.
Opera Singer Whammy: Whammy, dressed as a female opera singer (probably Helga) stands under a spotlight and sings "Thank you for giving me your money!", the lights shake while Whammy holds a note, then fall to the ground, with the center one falling on top of him.
Fireworks Whammy: Seen on both 4th of July Specials in Seasons 2 & 3. Whammy comes and places three fireworks on the ground and says “To celebrate the fourth, I’m lighting these fireworks.” He proceeds by lighting one firework at a time. On the last one, he gets his cape caught on the firework and blasts off exploding into pieces. Whammy then says ”Don’t play with fireworks.”
Whammy and Fang Chasing a Cat: Update of the 1980's version.
Choir Whammy: A Whammy conductor conducts a choir of Whammies singing "YOU SUCK!" to the tune of Blue Danube. Afterwards, the audience applauds, the conductor takes a bow, and is covered in roses, with only his eyes and nose visible.
Angry Whammy: This Whammy debuted during Season 3, but was produced and meant to be first seen during Season 2. An announcer says, "Ready on set for Mr. Whammy". Whammy's agent says: "I think you're on". Whammy looks at Elizabeth Banks and says: "Elizabeth, I'm not ready." He repeats once more after getting off his chair, throws it, and kicks it with aggression. After that he says: "I can't work like this Elizabeth!" and walks away.
Maid Whammy: A whammy dressed as a French maid says "Oh la la, time to clean up." And dusts the contestant's money away with a feather duster. Until it sneezes and causing the dress to fall off. We see London, we see France, we see the Whammy's underpants.
It Whammy: A Whammy dressed as Pennywise gives a long stare and lets out a fearful roar in front of the camera. Talk about a Nightmare on Elm Street.
Pizza Guy Whammy: Update of the 1980's version, only after the whammy drops the pizza dough, he goes, "Oh man!" before finishing the rest of his dialogue.
Princess Bride Whammy: A Whammy dressed like Inigo Montoya says, "Hello. My name is Whamigo Montoya. I stole your money. Prepare to cry." He then proceeds to slash up the player's score and laugh evilly.
Ghost Whammy: Tammy Whammette and Fang can be seen crying next to the Whammy's grave (which reads "OUR BELOVED WHAMMY"). But, the Whammy, as a ghost, suddenly rises from the grave and says "Dead or alive, I can still take your money!". Tammy Whammette and Fang cheer as the Whammy throw the player's money everywhere.
Pregnant Whammy: The Whammy, dressed as a surgeon, commands Tammy, "Push! Push! You can do it, you can do it! Push, you're almost there!". As she is doing this, money is flying out of her, including a stack of money. Tammy then holds that stack and says, "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and it's all mine!". They then both laugh evilly.
Cowboy Whammy: A Whammy dressed like a Cowboy with the hat and boots on, and a piece of tumbleweed in his mouth, says, "This bag ain't big enough for the both of us. Draw!", then spits on the player's score, and shoots at it, blowing of the smoke from his fingers, laughs evilly, and leaves.
Plumber Whammy: This Whammy debuted during Season 3, but was produced and meant to be first seen during Season 2. A whammy walks to the toilet and says "Looks like it's clogged with cash". Then a whammy clogged the toilet with money.
Whamprov Whammy: This Whammy debuted during Season 3, but was produced and meant to be first seen during Season 2. A whammy does comedy and says "Hey did you hear the word about me taking all your money?" A cricket chirps and the whammy says: "Is this thing on?" referring to his microphone. Next the audience throw tomatoes and a piano hits him. Now that's funny!
Braveheart Whammy: This Whammy debuted during Season 3, but was produced and meant to be first seen during Season 2. The Whammy is dressed up like like Sir William Wallace, appears along with his men, and says, "I cannot take your freedom, but I can take... YOUR MONEYYYYYYYYY!", during which Scottish music is played on a bagpipe by one of the Whammies, and he laughs evilly. They then flee as they are attacked by arrows, with the leader getting two on his behind.
Family Feud Whammy: This Whammy debuted during Season 3, but was produced and meant to be first seen during Season 2. A whammy, portraying Steve Harvey, says: "Top answer is on the board" and asks: "What are you?". A whammy contestant buzzes in and answers: "Broke". The whammy Steve Harvey says: "Survey says" and the other whammies join him and say: "You're broke" and laugh. As Elizabeth put it... How does Steve Harvey have ANOTHER job?
Breaking News Whammy: This Whammy debuted during Season 3, but was produced and meant to be first seen during Season 2. The whammy reporter stands in front of a podium with the sign Breaking News behind him and says: "This just in, you're broke". Next the sign falls on top of him. Now that's breaking news!
Catapult Whammy: This Whammy debuted during Season 3, but was produced and meant to be first seen during Season 2. A Whammy brings a catapult and says "I'm gonna crush your score." He does, and also crushes himself.
Season 3 (2021)[]
Wonder Whammy: This Whammy appears if a player doesn't have any money. A female Whammy dressed like Wonder Woman flies in accompanied by its theme song. She lands, noticing the contestant has $0 in their bank, and says "I wonder where all your money is, 'cause you don't have any! HA HA HA HA HA HA!" before taking off as the Whammy card pops up on the contestant's desk.
Rockettes Whammies: A group of female Whammies resembling the New York City dancers The Rockettes dance across the screen singing" We are the Whammies and we take all your money and we think it is funny ha ha ha ha ha!" And one pops up and calls the contestant a moron.
Unicorn Whammy: A Whammy riding a unicorn says "Taking your money is magical." Until the unicorn kicks him off and he falls on the cloud.
Ventriloquist Whammy: A different version of the 2002-2003 animation. A ventriloquist talks to his puppet and says "Hey dummy." The puppet answers "Yes?" The ventriloquist says "Not you, the dummy who lost all his money." Then they laugh at the contestant. The puppet asks "Who's the dummy now, dummy?" Until a hook yanks them away.
Whambulance Whammy: An ambulance blaring "Whammy! Whammy!" pulls up to a stack of money, and then a Whammy comes out saying "Don't quit on me now, money!" Then places the money onto a gurney, and gets sent to a hospital. With the Whammy getting its cape caught in the door.
Bowler Whammy: A different version of the 1980's animation. This Whammy bowls a strike. But with his body. And then says "Whammy strikes again.
Chat Room Whammy: This Whammy appears if a player doesn't have any money, and seems to have been based on the Zoom software that grew in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. Whammy, Tammy, Fang, and Mr. Nibbles are in a chat room on the computer. The Whammy moves his mouth. But Tammy lets him know he's muted. The Whammy unmutes himself and says "Oh sorry. The only thing more awkward than this meeting is trying to take your money when you don't have any." And they all laugh at the contestant.
Shower Whammy: A Whammy takes a shower singing "Rub a dub dub. There's no money in your tub." He notices he's on camera and screams. And then says "The water's cold I swear."
Whammy Kai: A Whammy based on the TV Show Cobra Kai does Kung Fu moves and says "Strike first! Strike hard! No money!" And attempts to break a board with one chop. But he loses his hand and dies. And a person shouts out "Put him in a body bag!"
Whammy Poppins: A whamlet shouts out "Look, it's Whammy Poppins." Then a Whammy dressed up as Mary Poppins floats with her umbrella and sings "Supercallafragialistic - give me all your money!" Until she gets trapped in her umbrella. And the Whamlets cry. Guess she isn't having a supercallafragialisticesxpialidocious day.
Season 4 (2022)[]
Tour Guide Whammy: A tour guide Whammy shows other Whammies on the tour bus and says "On your right, you'll see the Hollywood sign. And on your left, you'll see absolutely nothing!" And the Whammies laugh. Until the tour guide Whammy says "Holy smokes, is that Elizabeth Banks?" And is floating in midair, and then gets yanked away.
Skydiving Whammy: A Whammy looks out from a plane and says" I see the money!" And jumps out. But gets shredded apart from the plane. But he still taunts the contestant and says "I still got your money, loser."
Back to the Future Whammy: A Whammy with Emmet's hairstyle says "Roads? Where you're going, you don't need roads. You need money!" And jets away in his DeLorean.
News Reporter Whammy: This Whammy appears if a player doesn't have any money. A Whammy reporter for ABC is on the scene among a crowd of Whammies (including a Fang puppy doing his business on the reporter's shoe) with a breaking news story: "We're here on the set of Press Your Luck, where you just lost all your money. But it actually turns out, that you had no money to lose!!" The crowd of Whammies laugh in response as the Whammy reporter throws it back to Elizabeth.
Shaker Board Whammy: This Whammy appears if a player Whammies out. A Whammy is spinning a sign around and throws it up in the air with one side saying "You", and he throws it in the air again with the other side saying "Lose". And he throws it in the air again, but gets split in half and says "I have a splitting headache."
Vacuum Whammy: A Whammy comes in with a vacuum cleaner and sucks up the contestant's score, saying "Sucks to be you. Get it? Sucks!" He laughs at his joke before getting sucked into the vacuum himself. As the vacuum rolls slowly away, the Whammy embarrassingly says "Sucks to be me!"
Disappointed Mom Whammy: This Whammy appears if a player doesn't have any money. A mother Whammy walks in, sees the contestant has no money in their bank and says "You don't have any money? I'm not mad, I'm just, you know, disappointed." She sighs and starts to walk away saying "I expected better."
Tennis Player Whammy: A Whammy dressed as a tennis player walks out and says "You wanted a rematch? Well, you just got served!" As he laughs, tennis balls hit him as he is buried in a pile of them.
Crossing Guard Whammy: A Whammy crossing guard guides four Whamlets safely across the contestant's score. The Whamlets chant "No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks...and no more money!" The Whammy gushes how proud he is of the Whamlets before getting hit by a school bus. At least the Whamlets got across safely.
Stampede Whammy: This Whammy debuted during Season 5, but was produced and meant to be first seen during Season 4. A Whammy walks up to the contestant's score whistling a tune, then stops to say "Ahh, what a beautiful day to take your money. What could possibly go wrong?" Until someone says "STAMPEDE!!!" A whole crowd of bulls run over the Whammy as many of his belongings fly into the air and falls back down. And then the Whammy sees a sloth riding a llama, and then says "Is that a sloth riding a llama?"
Abrawham Lincoln: This Whammy debuted during Season 5, but was produced and meant to be first seen during Season 4. This Whammy appears if a player Whammies out. A Whammy dressed as Abraham Lincoln walks to the podium to the tune of Hail to the Chief and delivers the following speech: "Four score? More like four Whammies! You're out!"
Santa Claus Whammy: Seen in both Holiday Specials. The Whammy flies in on a sleigh pulled by Fang as Rudolph. The sleigh lands and the Whammy hops out saying "Merry Christmas to me!" He scoops up the contestant's score into his sack, hops back in the sleigh and says "Happy Holidays, dorks!" before flying away.
Tiny Tim Whammy: Seen in both Holiday Specials. The Whammy as Ebenezer Scrooge says "Christmas has given me a change of heart. I'm taking all of your money, and giving it to Tiny Tim Whammy." A miniature Whammy playing Tiny Tim says "God bless us, everyone. Now let's go buy a pony!" And they both laugh.
Whammy Carolers: Seen in both Holiday Specials. A group of Whammy carolers come in and sing "Deck the halls and take your money! Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la! You are broke and it's so funny! Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!" Then the entire group gets hit by a snowplow.
Christmas Tree Whammy: Seen in both Holiday Specials. About to plug in his Christmas tree, a Whammy wearing a Santa hat asks "Um, do I have to, Elizabeth?" He then plugs it in and says "Oh, I can't believe it worked!" before getting mauled by a squirrel.
The Night Before Christmas Whammy: Seen in both Holiday Specials. The Whammy tells a Christmas story to a group of Whamlets: "Twas the night before Christmas, and all through your bank, not a dollar was stirring, because you stank!" They all laugh.
Season 5 (2023)[]
Goose Egg Whammy: This Whammy appears if a player doesn't have any money. A Whammy appears to take the player's money and, seeing there is none, calls it a goose egg. Suddenly a Canada goose flies by and eats the whammy "I'm being digested!".
Psychiatrist Whammy: This Whammy appears if a player doesn't have any money. Tammy, dressed as a Psychiatrist asks her husband, "And how does that make you feel?", to which she gives a piece of tissue to her sobbing husband, who then says, "It's just that they don't have any money!", and starts bawling tears.
Snowball Fight Whammy: Seen in Season 5's Holiday Special. The Whamlets are having a snowball fight, when the one in the purple jacket goes, "Stop!", jumps on the pile, and says, "My brothers and sisters, we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves; we should be fighting THEM!" to which they point and laugh at the contestants. They then throw snowballs at the contestants, and the purple-jacket Whamlet wipes the snow off the completely-covered screen and declares, "You're next, Banks!".
It's a Wonderful Life Whammy: Seen in Season 5's Holiday Special. A Whammy dressed as Zuzu tells her father, dressed as George, "Look Daddy, teacher says every time you land on a Whammy, that Whammy takes your cash!" George replies with, "That's right. We're the richest Whammies in town", followed by both of them saying in unison, "Because we have ALL YOUR MONEY!", and concluding with both laughing in unison.
Christmas Photo Whammy: Seen in Season 5's Holiday Special. A Department Store Santa asks a Whamlet on his lap, "And what do you want this year, little Whamlet?", to which the Whamlet then says, "I want all their money!". They laugh evilly, another Whammy takes their picture after instructing them to smile, and that picture appears on screen with "Whammy Holidays!" on top, and "LO$ER!" on the bottom.
Season 6 (2024)[]
Drill Sergeant Whammy: A different version of the 2002-2003 animation. This Whammy appears if a player doesn't have any money. A Whammy dressed as a drill sergeant marches out and shouts at the contestant: "Private Contestant! What is your major malfunction? You do not have any money, now drop and give me 20!" As a 20-ton weight crushes him from above, he laments "That's not what I meant!".
Godzilla Vs. Kong Whammy: A different version of the 2002-2003 animation, and a bow to the Godzilla Vs. Kong movies. A Godzilla Whammy knocks over and breathes fire on piles of money that are supposed to represent buildings, and roars, until King Kong swings on the vine to grab him, and peel him like a banana. He then eats him, and says in a deep voice, "Mmm. Whammy-licious."
Whammy Wedding: Whammy and Tammy are getting married. The minister asks "Do you promise to take money from contestants for as long as you live?" The happy couple reply "We do!", letting out a cheer and then they kiss. Just then, Tammy's jealous ex arrives and exclaims "You said you loved me!" and he and Whammy get into a fight, dragging Tammy and the minister into it.
Football Whammy: The quarterback Whammy of the green team calls out the signals: "Blue 42! Blue 42! I got your money! HUT!" He takes the ball, and the two teams tackle each other until they all dogpile the quarterback. He then cries "I should have been a dentist!". He probably should've been.
Astronaut Whammy: A Whammy astronaut floats in and says "Houston, you have a problem!" before laughing. Suddenly, his helmet shatters and he says "Uh oh!". His head fills with air and snaps off his body before floating away and frantically crying "One giant leap for Whammy kind!".
Pirate Whammy: This animation coincides with the episode airing on "National Talk Like a Pirate Day". A pirate Whammy enters on his ship and says "Avast me hearties, we're here for your booty!" His pet parrot squawks "We're taking your money!" As the Whammy loads his cannon, it backfires and he is blown overboard.
Deadpool & Wolverine Whammy Takeover[]
Special episode promoting the movie Deadpool & Wolverine.
Deadpool & Wolverine: The Whammy walks in on Deadpool and Wolverine who are being attended to by three female Whammies. "Wolverine? Deadpool? What are you guys doing here?" Whammy asks. Wolverine replies "We're taking over the show, bub" to which Whammy says "What?!" Deadpool chimes in: "Our new movie's coming out, so we're here for free publicity!" Whammy shouts in anger "Elizabeth! Did you know about this?" and storms off. Deadpool then calls out "You forgot to take the money!" Wolverine stands up saying "I got it, this will be fun!" and shatters the screen with his claw.
Boyband Deadpool & Wolverine: Deadpool, Wolverine and three Whammies in cool-looking outfits rise as if they were in an elevator as upbeat music starts, then they turn to face the camera. They sing "From the very first time I saw you play, I knew I had to come and take your money away!" Deadpool and Wolverine takeover and sing "Come and see our movie! Only in theaters!" As they pose, dollar bills shoot up like confetti. Then, they descend back down as the contestant's score is reset to 0.
Money Eating Contest: Wolverine, the Whammy and Deadpool face off in a money-eating contest at the Whammy County Fair. Wolverine asks "What is a money eating contest?" to which Deadpool replies "I don't even have a mouth!" Whammy senses his chance saying "This is my time to shine, boys!" He then gobbles down all the money which makes his stomach expand and blow up, breaking the table and scattering digested money on his two opponents. Whammy gleefully asks "What's for dessert?"
Zipline Deadpool: This animation plays as normal, but Deadpool cuts the line instead. He apologizes to the contestant and wishes them luck on their next spin.
Awkward Washroom: The Whammy and Wolverine are in the men's room doing their business at the urinals. Whammy looks over at Wolverine sheepishly and says "Eh he he, stage fright". All of a sudden, he is crushed from behind by Deadpool kicking the door open and coming out of the stall. He says to Wolverine "You had asparagus for lunch, didn't you?" As they exit, Whammy says "You didn't wash your hands!" before falling to the floor.
Stampede Deadpool & Wolverine: Not only does Whammy see the sloth (in the arms of Deadpool) riding the llama, but he also sees Wolverine riding a wolverine!
Fireman Deadpool & Wolverine: Deadpool opens the fire hydrant, causing the Whammy to flail around with his hose. Wolverine drives up in the firetruck and Whammy is glad to see him... but gets hit by the truck and catches Deadpool by the ladder.
Chef Deadpool & Wolverine: Wolverine chops up the money with his claw, also chopping the Whammy to pieces!
Halloween Spooktacular[]
The following animations were featured during the Halloween Spooktacular episode
Trick or Treat: A group of Whamlets arrive at a house. They shout "Trick or Treat!", to which the occupant replies "I'm not home!" before slamming the door. The Whamlets take out rolls of toilet paper and the witch Whamlet says "Well, trick it is!" They laugh as they not only TP the house, but the screen as well. The Whamlet says with joy: "You got TP'd... Totally Played!"
The Shining: A female Whammy stands outside a door saying "I've come for your money". An axe chops its way through the door as the Whammy pops out through the hole and announces "Heeeeeeeeeere's Whammy!" The screen is then covered in blood.
Count Whamula: A coffin opens to reveal the Whammy dressed as Dracula. He says "I've come to suck your money!" before transforming into a bat and flies around the screen before getting zapped to a crisp by one of the lanterns.
YouTube Videos[]
Press Your Luck[]
Whammy Collection part 1
Whammy Collection part 2
Whammy Collection part 3
Whammy Collection part 4
Regular Whammy Pack from Whammy! The All New Press Your Luck
Double Whammy Pack from Whammy! The All New Press Your Luck